Chapter 1: Violet

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Waking up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping loudly in my ear, I grudgingly reached out my arm and slammed the button, shutting off the wretched noise. Rubbing my eyes, I groaned as I stretched my tense muscles and sat up, throwing the covers to the side, the cold air hitting my bare legs.

Slipping my feet into my furry bunny slippers, I dragged my feet to the bathroom and almost screamed when I saw myself in the mirror. My hair was knotty and my eyes looked sunken in. I silently cursed myself for not going to bed early the previous night.

Pulling away the shower curtain, I turned the knob switch to warm and stripped out of my pajamas. Stepping into the shower, the warm water flowing out the shower head instantly made me sigh in content as my muscles relaxed. Gathering some shampoo in my hand, I lathered my hair cursing profanities when my eye starts to sting from the lather of soap. After washing out my eye and almost slipping in the shower, I got out and dried off, moisturizing my body before sauntering to the closet and grabbing some clothes.

I knew that Touka would kill me if I didn't come in uniform but unfortunately, my uniform is ruined. Grabbing my black t-shirt with the 'No Flex' logo on it, bleached shorts and my Toms, I threw them on my bed and scrambled to my drawer for some spare undergarments.

'I really need to head to the Laundromat.' I looked over at the growing pile of dirty clothes sitting in a basket in the corner of my room.

Moments later, I had my clothes on and hurriedly fixed my hair into a bun and applied minimal makeup to my face. Grabbing my bag, I ran out the door and walked through the alleyway since it lessened my walking time to 10 minutes.

Walking up the brick stairs to Anteiku, I was greeted by an angry Touka. "Where's your uniform?!" I grimaced at her tone. "It got messed up yesterday. It needs washing." She grabbed my wrist harshly and I winced as I felt my bone crushing underneath the pressure. Crying out in pain, Touka let go of me alarmingly and I watched through my watery eyes as her eyes soften and she reached to touch my hand but I drew it back, cradling it against my chest

"I'm sorry. I wasn't aware I had grabbed you hard." Giving her a soft smile, I shook my head through the pain. "It's alright." Following behind her, we went up to her room and she carefully wrapped up my wrist. "I'll tell Yoshimuru that you can't work today. Just rest in the meantime because I can tell you didn't have a good night's rest last night." Laughing at her remark, she exited the room and I settled on her bed, picking up one of her books on the shelf and read until my eyes closed into a deep slumber.

" Laughing at her remark, she exited the room and I settled on her bed, picking up one of her books on the shelf and read until my eyes closed into a deep slumber

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Waking up by a cold hand on my leg, I screamed when I noticed Tsukiyama sitting at the edge of the bed. "Move your fucking hand off my leg, Tsukiyama!" He smirked, standing up and walked around the bed, sitting beside my body. "Tres bien." He grabbed my hair, sniffing it and sighed in content. Pushing myself away from him, I cringed and grabbed my stuff walking out the room, bumping into Touka.

"Woah, what's going on?" I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Tsukiyama is what's going on. That fucking creep." She crossed her arms on her chest, blowing her bang out her face. "He's a dumbass. I can't even send him to wake you up like a normal person. Wait, I forgot he isn't normal." I giggled at her remark and proceeded down the stairs. "Well, the sun is going down so I'm going home." Grabbing my arm, she stopped me. "I'm walking you home." Pulling her arm off, I sighed. "Touka, you don't need to. You have your studies to do. Don't worry about me. I'll call you when I reach home." She pulled me in for a hug. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. I'll see you tomorrow."

Walking out the front, I breathed in the fresh air and began to walk home. Stopping in front of the alleyway, my body tensed up and fear coursed through my veins. It looked so dark and scary but it was the fastest way home. Clutching my backpack straps, I walked into the alleyway and paranoia filled me as I heard faint footsteps behind me. Turning my head, I noticed no one and shrugged, shaking my head for making up imaginary sounds. Walking faster, I hear the footsteps again following me in the same pace and rhythm. Clutching my bag strap until my knuckles turned white, I stopped.

The footsteps stopped too. Something or someone was definitely here and behind me. Looking down at my feet, I noticed my shadow had completely disappeared and I could feel a eerie presence behind me. Turning around, I was met with a silhouette of a man but my focus immediately turned to his eyes.

Black scleras with blood red pupils. A ghoul.

My mouth opens to scream but his hand covers my mouth. My backpack falls onto the ground and I'm backed up into the wall. Tears run down my face as I struggled and try to run. The man places his long slender fingers around my throat and squeezes causing me to gasp for air.

"Try moving one more time and you die." He chuckled and moved his hand from my throat, moving aside the delicate strands away from my shoulder. I could feel his breath against my neck, sniffing in my scent.

"Mmm, you smell quite delightful. Mind if I take a bite?" Whimpering, I cried silently to myself as I felt his teeth graze my skin. In the back of my head, I could hear my sub consciousness telling me I was going to die. There was so many things that I wanted to do. Get married, have kids, become a doctor but now I don't see a future for me. Through the darkness of the alleyway, I could make out my assailant's hair. It was violet which did not suit him because that color deserves to be worn on beautiful people and he obviously isn't.

Suddenly, I felt Violet's warm tongue on my neck, licking it repeatedly over and over again like a fucking dog.

'Now's not the time to be joking around' my sub consciousness yells.

My heart stops and my breathing shallows. I could feel him smirk against my skin and with the final lick, he gave me one last look before biting me.



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