Chapter 7: Becoming Reality

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July 1st,2020~ 11:01 p.m

The walk back to Anteiku was slow and full of tears. My eyes were constantly dripping with tears and guilt was slowly eating me inside. Hinami walked beside me, sniffling and it broke my heart. Once we reached, I could see everyone outside. I thought they had left. Irimi walked up to me and when she saw the purse, anger and sadness flared in her eyes. Koma and Nishiki were shocked but Yoshimura-san showed a calm and collected face without breaking.

They led me inside and I collapsed onto the chair, crying. Nishiki led Hinami to her room before shortly returning after. We went into the conference room and sat down. Yoshimura-san looked around the room before speaking.

"Touka, what happened?" I dried my tears and tried to remove the lump in my throat before speaking. "I presume that Aiko walked through the alley as a shortcut to home and she was attacked by a ghoul. Not just any ghoul was Ayato." Gasps filled the room but Yoshimura-san raised his hand and I spoke again.

"No blood was found except on the bag. And to admit, it's my fault. I asked to walk her home but she refused and I knew I should've gone along with her. It's all my fault." Yoshimura-san shook his head.

"We will get her back and I know how. Aogiri is planning to attack the Ghoul Detention Center but the problem is it is months from now. We could attack Aogiri itself but we can't make any careless moves and get ourselves killed. I am certain that Aiko will hold out until then. She's a strong girl and she's special in many ways. I have to warn that when we see her again, she may be different...."

He trailed off and I grew completely confused.

Different? Special?

I was going to ask but he shook his head and dismissed us. I dragged myself to my room, flopping myself onto the bed.

Why is this happening? First Kaneki now her...



April 3rd,2020~7:12 a.m

I awoke to someone shaking me. I took in a sharp breath and turned to see Aiko sitting on the side of the bed. Her blue eyes showed concern but me, I was happy to know she was alive. Lately I would have the same nightmare over and over again and it would end the same way every time.

She dies.

"Are you okay, Ayato?" I was shocked that she called me by my real name but I nodded. "It was just a bad dream. Didn't mean to scare you."

She shook her head. "You worried me there, I woke up to you screaming. Do you want to talk about it?" I had to think. It did involve her but I didn't want to scare her.

"I don't know if I should. It's too scary to even talk about but I will tell you since I'm comfortable talking about this to you . Please don't be scared though." She shivered but simply nodded her head.


I was running through the forest, hearing the echos of your cries for help. It was dark and I could hear laughter and these same two words echo in my head 'She's dying'. That made me run faster, tripping over rocks and sticks. The moon was shining a bright red overhead and when I didn't hear your screams anymore, panic had washed over me. I began to call out your name but there was no response.

Then suddenly something rippled through me and I plummeted to the ground. My body was frozen and I couldn't move. The laughter began again and those same two words that echoed in my head changed to 'She's dead'. I began screaming and I could hear faint footsteps behind me. With all my might, I got up and started walking. The footsteps got closer and when I turned around, I saw a faceless ghoul. His kagune came lunging towards me but I manage to block him.

I took my kagune just in time and fought him until I presume he was at least dead. I ran until I came to a clearing. There was a wooden cabin so I thought you were in there. I opened the door and when I saw you, my blood ran cold.

You were hung from the ceiling, blood dripping out your mouth, your skin white, lips blue, wrists covered in cuts and a blood puddle forming under you. There were blood stains all over the room, sharp tools and torture objects. I had released you from the rope, taking you into my arms and I screamed again.

Then suddenly something sharp pierces into my back and that's when I woke up.


I finished and I opened my eyes. I looked at Aiko and my eyes widened at her reaction. Tears were running down her face, her eyes wide like saucers. I pulled her into a hug and she trembled against me.

"It's okay, Aiko. It's just a dream." I hear her breathing shallow and when I pulled her from me, her eyes were slowly closing. I shook her but she fell into my chest. She must be in shock. I laid her down in bed and pulled the blanket over her. I stared at her until I began to fall asleep but this time there was no dream.

12:00 p.m

When I woke up again, Aiko was awake sitting up and staring into space. A sudden burst of hunger bubbled inside me and I could feel my eyes flickering. Oh fuck no. Aiko turned towards me and instead of being scared, her eyes softened but I see a tiny speck of fear.

She pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her in her bra. I turned away trying to refrain myself. She grabbed my face and leaned it into her neck. I took a big breath, sucking in her enticing smell. My mouth began to ferociously water.

"It's okay, Ayato..." Once she said that, my ghoul took over. I licked her neck before taking my first bite. She whimpered and I looked up at her. Her eyes brimming with tears and her face slightly scrunched up in pain. She looked at me nodding and I went back down again.

After my second bite, my mind was consumed by the flavor of her flesh. I couldn't even feel her thumping against my chest and thrashing around signaling me to stop. As I took my last bite, she collapsed. Blood stained the bed and when I regain control, I looked at her body and my eyes grew glossy.

Bites scattered from her shoulders and littered her arms and legs. Blood was pouring out fast and I didn't know what to do. I knew she couldn't heal. She had used it up already. I laid her down and checked her pulse. It was there but faint. I put my ear on her chest listening to her heartbeat.




Then silence.

Tears were now falling down my face. It felt just like my nightmare. I screamed loud, hoping to get anyone's attention. I heard the door fly open and there was Tatara and Eto standing there in shock. They ran towards me, asking me questions as they tried to save her. I stood there in shock and collapsed onto my knees.

Then those two words filled my head over and over again making my head spin, eyes cloud up with tears as I let out a ear-piercing scream.

She's dead.

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