Chapter 16:Mistakes

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July 23rd,2020~ 8:45 a.m

It's been a few days since the accident and I never left her side. Tatara and the others would come check up on her and scold me for what I've done. I never felt so horrible in my whole entire life. Sometimes when I went to see her, her temperature would be sky high and other times, she was cold as ice. It worried me a lot.

When I tried to sleep, I would have countless nightmares of terrible things. Tatara had suggested we not bring her on the mission anymore and I thought so too but this would be a good experience for her since she just became a ghoul.

The sun was setting over the horizon as I walked into Aiko's hospital room. I pulled a chair near her and noticed her face was awfully pale. I picked up her hand and rubbed it between mine.

It was cold.

Her chest was going up and down slowly but her breaths were barely noticeable . I leaned over and kissed her forehead and I heard a small whimper. My eyes widened and kissed her forehead again. I heard a small groan and then her body started to convulse. I pressed the button quickly and doctors came rushing in. Her heart monitor spiked and I began to worry.

One of doctors ushered me out the room and I sat down on the chair, still hearing the commotion from inside. I heard one of the doctors say she wasn't going to make it and I heard crying. I felt something wet fall down my cheek and I knew what it was.

Tears of losing her.

I was scared. I didn't know what to do. I slowly walked away and wandered aimlessly. I ran into something hard and it pulled me out of my state of mind. I looked up through my blurry eyes and I was standing in front of a door.I opened it and a gust of wind blew in my face.

I walked until I was faced with the overview of the city lights. It was cold but I didn't care. I deserve to die with all I did to her. I love her and I messed up. I held my hands out and visions appeared. Blood stained my hands and I blinked it away. Something wet fell onto my hand and it melted.

I looked up and watched as rain began to fall. I looked down and I broke down. I couldn't hold it anymore.

I felt like I just lost my whole purpose to live.


After my breakdown, I walked back to her room and relief washed over me. One of the doctors were standing with a clipboard and he walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I have some good news, Ayato. She's slowly recovering but the amount that was injected into her, it has taken a toll on her. I don't know when she will wake up but I know it's soon. She will be able to go on the mission that you guys have planned but I'd suggest she takes it slow before that." He smiled and walked away, shutting the door.

I sat on the side of her bed and cupped her hand into mine. It was warm and comforting. Her breathing was back to normal and her skin showed color again. I smiled and left the room, feeling somewhat happy.

When the doctor said she would wake up soon, I didn't expect it to be in 2 days.Aiko had finally woken up and when she saw me, she gave a hug and forgived me. The doctor said it was a miracle that she lived and it was probably me she was fighting for but I didn't believe that.

She was discharged from the hospital after a few tests and was given some pain killers just in case. Once we got back to my house, I helped her to her room and I put her straight to bed.

I was still a bit worried about her and I decided to stay until she fell asleep. After her eyes closed, I left the room silently and proceeded into mine.

I jumped on my bed and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.


I was awoken by coughing next door. I got out of bed and realized it was Aiko. I followed the sound and it led me to the bathroom. I found her kneeling in front the toilet, throwing up.

I rushed towards her and pulled her hair back, meanwhile rubbing her back gently. She looked over at me and weakly smiled before throwing up again. After she was done, I grabbed some water and mouthwash for her.

She took it and gargled it in her mouth. She spat it out and began to stand when her legs gave way.

"Aiko, are you okay?" I catches her before she fell and she looked at me. "I'm fine, just a bit dizzy..that's all."

Her eyes drooped and she slowly fell asleep again. I flushed the toilet and carried her to my room, placing her lightly on the bed careful not to wake her up. She stirred a bit and I slowly covered her up.

I laid beside her, stroking her hair until my eyes began to close once more.

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