Chapter 5: Building A Friendship

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~July 2nd,2020~ 3:55pm

She was confusing me.

I was so different around her and I didn't know why. Usually I would be mean to everyone but for some reason, I just couldn't do it to her. I've already hurt her 2 times and I don't intend to hurt her again. I needed to control myself around though.

I stood up and looked at the window to see her walking back. I smiled to myself and didn't notice that she was looking at me. She smiled brightly and waved. I waved back, giving her a small smile. She disappeared and a few minutes later, I heard her door open.

I stood up, entering her room by the connected door and there she was, watching tv. A whiff of blood came my way and it knew it was hers. I went closer and saw that her finger was bleeding. I sat down next to her and took her finger. I placed it in my mouth and gently sucked it.

Her eyes widened but she simply smiled. I sucked on it until I tasted no more blood. When I pulled it out, there was no trace of the wound. She had healed herself.

"Thank you, Violet." She said to me in the most sweetest voice. She pulled back her hand and I proceeded to what I had to say next. "Since it isn't too late, we could go food shopping and get your clothes from your apartment if you'd like."

She nodded her head eagerly and before we left, I made sure to tell Tatara where I was going. "Stay with her all times. Protect her, ok?" I nodded and we left. Since there was a 24/7 convenience store around the corner and they had everything, I decided we would go there. On our way, we had a small conversation filled with a couple laughs and giggles.

Once we reached in the store, I immediately pushed her into an aisle. Shit! I didn't know that one of the CCG would be here. Aiko looked flabbergasted and rushed but I calmed her down. Once I knew he left, I sighed in relief. I looked at Aiko and I could tell she wanted to ask me but she didn't say anything.

I grabbed a basket and went straight to the coffee aisle throwing packets of pre-made coffee in it. I made sure to keep a close eye on Aiko but when I looked at her basket....wait two baskets. It was filled with the most weirdest foods. There was something called Doritos. I think they were chips.

After getting everything, we proceeded to the check-out where we were met by an friendly old lady. She smiled at us and began checking out our things. Suddenly she stopped and looked at us. "I just couldn't help that you guys are the cutest couple. I remember when I used to come shopping with my boyfriend." She sighed and resumed to what she was doing.

I looked over at Aiko who was trying to hide her face by looking at some stuff. I could see her face was red. I smirked and when the lady named Amanda was done, I handed her the amount and left. Once we got outside, I released the breath I was holding in.

"I can't believe she thought we were a couple. I will never date someone." I looked at Aiko and she seemed a bit hurt. Look what she was doing to me. I moved closer to her and brushed my hand against hers. She seemed surprised but smiled. We decided to drop the bags off before going to her apartment.

"Aiko, gimme your address. I'll go since you seem tired." She wrote it down slowly and as she walked to her bed, her legs gave out on her. She fell on the floor with a thud and when I touched her, she was burning up.

I laid her on the bed but she grabbed my hand. "I'll be fine, V-Violet. It's just I used too much power. I'll be fine, just go." She scrunched up her face in pain and I ran to find Tatara. Bringing him back, he gasped at the sight. She was sweating profusely and panting for breath.

"What's wrong with her?" Tatara said alarmed. I explained to him and he ran out the room, seconds later coming back with a needle in his hand. The contents were clear and he inserted it in her arm.

"That should do it." He was right. Her temperature went down and her breathing returned to normal. Tatara looked at me and nodded. I quietly left the room with her address in my hand and a duffel bag. I walked quickly and soon enough, I was there. I broke into her window and began throwing things out and placing them in the bag. I grabbed all her personal belongings and closed my eyes when I shoved her bras and underwear in there. Once I was done, I prepared to leave when I felt a presence behind me.

I turned and saw her.

My lovely sister, Touka.

She walked to me, her eyes blazing with anger. "Where is she, Ayato?" I smirked and began to slowly back away. "None of your business, baka aneki!" She glared and lunge to me but I flew out the window and ran away as quickly as I could.

I heard her yelling behind me but I ignored it. I kept going until her screams disappeared. I finally reached Aogiri and ran into the building. In the distance, I could hear screaming. I ran, the bag hitting my leg every time. As I got closer, I recognized it as Aiko's. I ran into her room, dropping the bags and approached her. Tatara was holding her down and Eto was trying to calm her down.

"What's happening to her?" Tatara looked at me with worried eyes.

" Her body is suddenly rejecting the antidote and that's not good."

Oh shit.

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