Chapter 13: Broken Down

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July 11th,2020~ 8:30 p.m

After leaving the room, my thoughts drifted to Aiko. Lately, she's been distant. She hasn't been the same girl I knew when we met the first time. She was carefree and bubbly but now she was quiet and rarely talked to me anymore.

I walked back to the room and heard her crying. I ran beside her and hugged her tightly. I hoped that this would make up for everything but I knew I had to do much more than that.

She moved closer to me and put her head on my shoulder. Hugging her tightly, I let her cry on my shoulder until she fell asleep. I laid her back down and tucked her in. Moving her hair out her face, I subconsciously kissed her cheek and when I realized what I did, I turned away and blushed.

My mind somehow takes over and I lay down next to her. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her head into my chest. I nuzzled my face into her hair, inhaling her sweet scent. Putting my chin on her head, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

10:00 p.m

I woke up to the sound of crying and noticed that Aiko wasn't beside me. I leaped out of bed and crept towards the sound. In the far corner of the room curled into a ball was Aiko. Beside her, I saw a knife. My eyes widened as I watched her pick it up.

I touched her shoulder and she turned to me. She gasped and dropped the knife.

"What are you doing?" She simply shook her head and covered her face with her hands. She began sobbing and I didn't want to pressure her anymore than I already had. I got on my knees and pulled her into a hug.

In between her sobs, she kept muttered someone's name. I think she was saying Crystal. I wondered what happened.

"Is this Crystal person important to you?" She nodded her head slowly before erupting in sobs again. I picked her up and brought her back to the bed. I softly stroked her hair until she fell asleep again. Before leaving the room, I wiped away a tear that rolled down her face.

I'll help you Aiko.

There has to be a way.



July 11th,2020~ 8:40 p.m

It was dark.

I began to hear her voice.

"Aiko, are you there?"

I wandered aimlessly.


A light so warm and bright surrounded me and I closed my eyes. When I opened them, there stood in front of me was my mother. She smiled warmly at me but holding her arms out. I collapsed into her chest and her arms wrapped around me.

I moved in closer completely comforted by her warmth. She squeezed me tighter before releasing her grasp. Suddenly, the light dissolved and in place of it, was a field. A field of flowers. Trees bordered the field and in the distance was a house.

Crystal held out her hand and I grabbed it. We ran around and she spun me around. The petals fell off the flowers and flew around us. We both giggled and fell onto the flowers. Crystal looked at me before kissing my forehead.

"I love you, Aiko. I'm sorry for leaving you like that." Tears welled up in my eyes but I wiped them away. She stood up dusting her cloak out and unleashed her wings. I stared in awe as she began to fly up in the air.

"I think it's an appropriate time we continue on your journey." She waved her hand and a window appeared. She looked at me sorrowfully before stepping through it.

Should I really be doing this?

I shook my head and stepped through.

We were in Ayato's room but it looked different. And when I mean different, it wasn't clean. The bed was unmade, clothing scattering the floor but what really shocked me the most was the dry blood on the sheets.

My attention then turned to the door opening. Ayato limped into the room and slowly closed the door. He made his way into the bed and pulled the blankets over him. He was so thin and pale.

"This event takes place a month after your death, my dear."said Crystal. I nodded and turned back to the scene. Ayato groaned in pain and then began crying.

"I-I miss her so much. Why can't she come back to me?" I walked to the side of the bed and tried to touch his hair but my hand went through. A single tear ran down my face.

"I'm right here Ayato. I'm right here."

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Crystal. She opened other window.

"It's time to move on now." I stepped through and the room was dark. In the moonlight by the window, I could see a shadow. I moved closer and noticed it was Eto. Next to her laid a bottle full of clear liquid.

She reached for it. "This is for my best friend Aiko. I'll be seeing you soon." She opened the bottle and downed the whole thing. Next thing I saw was her body landing onto the ground with a 'thud'.

No... she couldn't have.

My mother pulled me into her arms as I began to cry.

"Everyone was affected by your death. Even the people you left." The scene around us faded away and was replaced with a new one. We were in front of a building and I saw Ayato walk/limp through the door.

We followed him in and when people saw him, they began to scream and run. "It's Ayato Kirishima from Aogiri Tree. He's going to kill us all!"

A few buff men grabbed him quickly and punched him. I struggled to keep myself in order.

He should be fighting, not trying to die.

They dragged him into a room and tied him to a table. A man came in holding a needle while another younger weirder looking boy with red stitches all over his body followed behind.

"Well if it isn't the Black Rabbit! Ayato Kirishima... for all the crimes and lives that you've taken, in return I will take yours."

He plunged the needle into his neck and within a few seconds, his breathing faded. But before he took his last breath, he whispered these words.

"Aiko, I'm coming."

I began to shake and I fell to the ground. Crystal held me up and pulled me through another window. In front of me was a TV and the news was on. The reporter was smiling and behind him, the Aogiri compound was showing.

"In the last 2 years, there has been no sightings of any ghouls. The area has been completely wiped out and the building is now abandoned. It seems like everyone had just disappear into thin air...not a trace of them left."

But what about Anteiku?

Crystal opened another window and pulled me through. Standing in front of me was Anteiku but it was abandoned as well. The windows were boarded up and dust layered the ground. I dropped to the ground as everything began to hit me.

Everyone disappeared and it's all my fucking fault.

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