Chapter 10:I'll Protect You

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July 8th,2020~ 9:51 a.m

I was awoken by the sound of Tatara's familiar yelling. I could only make out the words 'Don't fall asleep on me' but when I heard him say Aiko, that made me jump out of my bed. I opened the door so hard and my blood turned cold when I saw the scene right before me.

Tatara was shaking Aiko roughly and I noticed that her body was getting a bit pale. Quickly I rushed to his side and grabbed his shoulder. He glanced up at me and panic was etched onto his face. His mask was thrown onto the ground beside him and something white was smeared onto his clothing.

"I need to get Eto and Noro. Stay here and look after her. After all that human food she ate, I'm sure she won't last." He began to stand up but I grabbed his sleeve.

"She ate human food? Why?"

He shook his head slowly before opening his mouth. "By the looks of it, she was trying to kill herself. I don't know if we can do anything. She forcefully swallowed some of the food." My brain processed what he said and I let go of his sleeve. The moment I let go, he was out the door. I took a quick glance at Aiko and turned to the bathroom. With my feet dragging, I pushed the slighty cracked door and I gasped at the sight.

Crumbs and wrappers littered everywhere and the toilet filled with greenish vomit. I wanted to throw up at the sight but when I heard movement from outside, I bolted out the room to see Noro with a case in his hand and Eto with a machine that had a long tube attached to it. Tatara was standing silently in front of the bed, his eyes planted on Aiko. Noro opened his case and pulled out a small vial with brownish contents. He inserted a syringe into the top of the vial and transferred the contents into the syringe, holding it delicately in his fingers as Eto did her work.

Eto placed the machine on the nightstand and grabbed the long tube. She placed her fingers on Aiko's lips and opened her mouth, gently shoving the tube down her throat. I went to stop her but Tatara glared at me coldly. Eto turned on the machine and I watched as chunks of food come up from her mouth and into a little bag that Eto attached.

Moments later, she turned the machine off and Noro injected the syringe into her arm. They began to gather up their thnigs and they exited out the room. Tatara nodded in approval at their work and I simply stood there, my mouth opened wide.

What did they do?

As if Tatara read my mind, he looked at me, his eyes narrowed.

"Eto used what's called a stomach pump in the human world. It's used to pump out toxic foods from the stomach and Noro used what's called anesthesia that's used to makes her feel no pain while she's asleep." I nodded my head, still in a complete daze. He patted my shoulder quickly before exiting the room but before he did, he turned to me.

"She'll be okay. Just check up on her often and when she wakes up, give her some coffee." I nodded and he exited out the room, shutting the door silently. I leaned down and moved her hair out of her face before kissing her forehead.

2:12 p.m

I stayed with Aiko for the whole time, not once moving except for going to brew the coffee. I sat quietly on the side of the bed, gently stroking her hair while listening to her short breaths. Suddenly she moved and her eyes fluttered opened. She sat up quickly and looked at me. I grabbed the coffee cup and she grabbed it. Hesitantly drinking it, she gasped in surprise but drank the rest. She handed me back the cup and that's when she began to cry.

I reached out to hug her but she scooted back. She covered her face with her knees and sobbed.

"I want to die. Please kill me! I can't do this." My eyes widened at her words but what she said really made my blood boil.

"Aiko, look at me!" Her head slowly raised up and I could see pain and sadness etched on her face. Placing my hands on both sides of her face, I looked her deep in the eyes.

"I'm not letting you die, not under my watch. Don't take your life for granted. You're better than this." She looked at me before taking my hands away from her face. Standing up slowly, she walked to the door and opened it.

"If you won't do it, I will. I did it once and I can do it again." She slammed the door and I stood up in alarm and ran after her. Once I entered the hall, she had already disappeared. I couldn't smell her but I just began to run aimlessly.

As I was running, I smelled something metal. It smelled almost like blood and that's when I noticed it was her's.


Please,I can't be late!

I sprinted until I reached an all too familiar door. It was Eto's experiment room. From under the door, blood seeped through. I opened the door and what I saw made me drop onto my knees making the the blood bleed into my pants.

There she was. Her glowing white and black kagune plunged into her stomach and a lake of blood that kept growing bigger. She was face first into the ground and I watched as her kagune disappeared and a big hole was left behind. Since her power was recharged, she healed most of it but she had lost alot of blood.

I turned Aiko over and cradled her in my arms. Blood smeared my hands and bled into my shirt. She was barely breathing and I couldn't hear her heartbeat.




I screamed in pure agony and in came rushing Eto but she was in her human form. She stared at me then Aiko and all the blood. She grabbed Aiko out of my arms and ran to a nearby bed. She began injecting her with different things and hooked up a IV to her. She grabbed a tube attached to an bag of air and motioned me to hold it and squeeze.

Putting the tube in her lungs, I squeezed the bag and I watched as she began to patch up her stomach wound. She placed her head onto Aiko's chest and she gasped. She began to do chest compressions and after a few moments, her heart picked up.

She took the bag from me and took out the tube when she began to breath again. She placed a breathing mask on her face and gave her some anesthesia. She patted my shoulder and washed her hands before calling me over.

"She almost died. We've put to much harm on her already. You need to protect her. I know she didn't want this but try to help her out. I might even get Kaneki to come help. Just please do this for me.For all of us."

Turning around, she grabbed a pile of cloths and began to clean up the blood. I grabbed a nearby chair and placed it next to her bed. Grabbing Aiko's hand, I squeezed it and kissed it. Looking at her peaceful face, I sadly smiled.

"I'll protect you, Aiko. That's a promise."

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