Chapter 14: Smile

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July 12th,2020~ 11:36 a.m





That's what Aiko looked like right now. She would just sit by her bed all day and stare at the window, motionless. Eto had came in every once in while to give her a antidote she's been working on to calm her hunger. Her eyes looked like a dull blue and her face was just emotionless.

I really truly  wanted to help her but I wasn't never the type to ever help anybody, just mercilessly kill. I quietly walked behind her and gently touched her shoulder. I was expecting her to at least flinch but she stayed still like a rock. 

No movement.Not even her eyes blinked.

"Aiko. Aiko, what's wrong? You can tell me...just please say something!"

She didn't look at me at all but I saw a lone tear slide down her face. Her chapped lips opened slowly but then closed.

"Please say something, anything."

Another tear ran down her face. Turning her head slowly, her eyes pierced into mine.

"Kill me." she said this in such a small painful whisper. I moved towards her and pulled her into a hug. Stroking her hair softly as I felt wet spots on my neck, I soothed her.

"It's going to be okay, babygirl. I promise everything will get better." She silently shook in my arms and I pulled her away from me and began to kiss her salty tears.

What are you doing? A little voice whispered in my head. I shut it out. I was doing this because I-wait I really don't know. But inside I wanted to do this, no I needed too. I just couldn't stand seeing her sad. I wanted her beautiful dimply smile and her ocean blue eyes glimmer again.

I wanted Aiko back. The real Aiko.

I have to do something and I was willing to try anything to see her back. And I knew just the thing.

I had finally made up with Aiko and talked her into going somewhere with me. She quietly nodded and made her way to the bathroom. I walked into my room and picked out something decent to wear. I waited by Aiko's door and moments later, she appeared looking extravagant. She looked new, her skin showed color, her eyes that sparkly blue. 

"Ready to go?" She nodded and gave me a small smile. I gently took her hand into mine and she gasped. I began to pull away but her hand squeezed mine. I squeezed back and we began walking.

Finally making to the amusement park, Aiko literally screamed as we arrived.

"I've never been to one of these and I always wanted to go. Oh,thank you so much Violet!" There goes that nickname again. Shaking my head out of those thoughts, I smiled. Never once in my life had I ever smiled as brightly as I did to her and indeed it was an amazing feeling. She hugged me tightly and I wrapped my arms around her, her scent invaded my nostrils which made my mouth water.

Stop it Ayato, don't mess this up and hurt her again.

I released her and we proceeded to buy our tickets. Once we got in, Aiko was running around pointing at everything and anything. Many people sent her funny looks and I chuckled. She was looking happy again and I was glad to see that. I just hoped that she would stay like this and always keep that smile on her face.

She pulled my arm and dragged me to a scary looking rollercoaster with a bunch of steep inclines and loops. I hate to admit that I was scared.

The line was very long and Aiko was jumping from excitement. Soon we were seated on the ride after the long wait and
I could feel myself starting to sweat. I felt someone's hand lie onto mine and Aiko looked with a apologetic face.

"Do you want to get off?" I quickly shook my head and she kept looking at me unsure. She then turned to one of the workers and ask them to get us off the ride before they started it. Grabbing my hand, she led me off and I watched 2 other people fill in our place. She led me to a bench and moved the hair that was sticking to my face.

"Ayato, if you were scared then you should've told me." I nodded slowly and she apologetically smiled at me. After, we decided on going on the lesser thrill rides since I was too chicken to do any of the big scary ones.

Yes and I know I don't sound like a man but around Aiko, I be myself. 

Soon enough, the sky grew dark and night had fallen. Aiko led me to the last ride. 

The Ferris Wheel.

Since there wasn't a long line, we were already on it. The ride started and we began going up. Once we reached the top, Aiko gasped.

"The view up here is beautiful, isn't it?" I nodded.

"But it isn't as beautiful as you." Once I said that, I looked away embarrassed. Her delicate finger touched my chin and she turned my head towards her. She smiled brightly at me and a single tear rode down her face.

"Thank you, Ayato!" and then she hugged me. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I didn't hesitate to hug her back. My arms snaked around her waist and I pulled her in closer.

"I love to see you smile, Aiko. Please smile more often...for me."

And that when she let go and looked at me giving me the biggest and brightest smile yet.


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