Ch. 11 - The Mines

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Legolas's P.O.V.

I heard a scream, and whipped my head around fast. Freya... I watched in horror, as the monster lashed out, grabbing Frodo and Freya, and thrashing them around in the air. "Ahhh! Get me DOWN!!" She screamed, whacking it with her hand. I grabbed my bow, and shot it, as Aragon cut some of it's tentacles off. I waded in, and stabbed it hard, watching it shudder, and fall back into the depths.

Frodo and Freya came crashing down, both screaming as they fell. I ran, and caught Freya, and walked to land with her, wrapping my cloak around her, so as not to let her catch cold. We opened the stone door, well by we, I meant Gandalf, and walked in. I scrunched my nose up in disgust. Dead things, arrows and swords lay scattered around, the darkness falling all around.

The door shut, and the silence. "What are they?" Someone asked curiously. "It doesn't matter, we need to do something." "Well, what are we going to do?" Frodo asked, almost frantically. "There's only one thing to do...Go fowards, and out the other side." Gandalf said gravely. "Well, we'll meet Gimli's relatives at least..." Silence greeted that. "Shouldn't we be going?" I asked, not wanting to spend another minute than I had to in here.

Freya's P.O.V.

"Shouldn't we be going?" Legolas said, and everyone started shuffeling foward. I shivered, still cold from the water. Gosh, I hope I didn't catch death of cold! Nothing but the sounds of footsteps and the clanging of armour, and the occasional grunt or scolding of someone to another of personal space, could be heard, which was very unnerving.

I just wanted to get out of here. In fact, I had a very, very very bad feeling about this. I sped up, leaving Legolas, Aragon and Gimli behind, and went and joined Gandalf, but not before noticing how tired the little hobbits looked. "What troubles you?" Gandalf asked, continuing to plod on. "I have a very bad feeling...I know something bad is going to happen." I stated, feeling the lingering sense of doom wash over me. "We need to take a break." I said after a minute of tantalising silence.

"We cannot afford to stop." He said harshly. "I don't care. They need to rest, they're exhausted. If they don't rest, they won't make it, and you know it!" I said, knowing I had won. He sighed. "Very well, but not for long. We're behind." We came to what was pretty much a clearing and stopped. "Right, we're stopping here for a little bit. Get some sleep, rest, what ever. But don't leave, at all! We don't want ot loose anyone." I said, remembering to give safetly precautions. Lets hope nothing happens.

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