Ch.4 - The Night Of Dreaming

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We let go of each others hands. I kept thinking that even though we did instantly, there was a hesitation. I pondered on this for a while, not really looking where we were going. We stopped in the shelter of some trees for the night. "We will rest here" Said Gandalf. I went to the border of the trees, and looked at the sun, sinking. It was beautiful. But then I heard voices behind me. I crept behind an old oak, and listened. 

It was Legolas, Borimir and Aragorn. "-ok?!" Legolas seemed annoyed. "She deserves better than you, filthy elven prince!" He spat at him. Oh no, that does not sound good. "What did you call me?! And I suppose that you think you are more worthy than me for her?" He spat back. Wow, I never new he had a side like this. But, I couldn't fail to notice, they were talking about a her. I knew I shouldn't be listening, but I just couldn't help it. So this is what Elrond meant be being sneaky! I wanted to know who they were on about!

"Well-" Borimir had started but was cut off by Legolas. "Your right. I don't deserve her. But neither do you! She is more beautiful and I could only ever dream of her liking me. But you seem to think that she already does love you! But you don't love her, you only want her as another possession to take home to your father."  Borimir huffed at this. "Will you two shut up! If you want to carry on this conversation, go somewhere else. Unless you want the whole camp to know, and especially Freya, I'd leave it and shut up!" Aragron snapped. That shut them up.

I couldn't beleive it- and wouldn't. Me- beautiful? Ha, that was a lie. Arwen- now she was a beauty. But me?-nah! And to think an elven Prince would love me?- impossible. I went to sleep, and when we all awoke in the morning, I was convinced that it had all been a dream. The only thing I found strange was that Borimir and Legolas were avoiding each other. And whenever they caught one anothers eyes they glared, and I mean glared! It was quite scary, to be honest. And I don't get scared easily!

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