Ch. 9 - Explantion Stories

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Legolas P.O.V.

I watched, cautiously, as Freya dragged away the stranger. I realised that she hadn't actually introduced herself properly, and I too was also quite curious to know why she had exactly been following us all this way. I mean, it wasn't the easiest task to keep on track following us, while attempting to stay hidden!

I observed Freya's movements and body language closely, while trying to sneak a peak of their conversation. I sighed and looked over to where the huddle of hobbits were sat, trying to keep warm, in the tiny heat that the fire was giving off in the night. It was quite funny, so I allowed myself to let out a small chuckle.

I sighed. I really wanted do something...but not to, if you know what I mean. I just want everything to be back the way it was, and yet at the same I didn't...I don't know, I think my minds too messed up at the moment to think like this. I noticed that the two of them had started to move towards the rest of the group, signifying that their conversation had finished.

Freya P.O.V.

Ok, so basically the only reason that she had been following me was my fathers orders, and Uncle Elrond had agreed! I couldn't believe that he had agreed to it! It was so unfair, I mean, I'm not a child anymore...I can look after myself.

Uh, I'm in no mood to talk now, I'm too annoyed. I can practically see the others feeling the heat radiating off of me. "You can tell them if you like, I'm going for a walk BY MYSELF" I said raising my voice so the others could hear me. I just wanted to be alone for a bit. My lifes messed up, and I really need to do something about it...

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Sorry that this was such a short chapter! I have lots and lots of homework to do at the moment! I'll try and update as much as I can! Don't forget to Comment and Vote! X

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