Ch.5 - What to do?

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I just couldn't stop thinking about that dream I had. It was so real and life like, and yet the facts didn't add up. It was all too confusing. Aragorn had told me that Legolas and Borimir were avoiding each other, but he refused to tell me why. I tried every tactic, even saying that the only reason that he wouldn't tell me was because he couldn't: he didn't know. But, although this usually works, it didn't make him budge. It must be really serious! Or he didn't actually know. Hmmm.. I wonder...

I sighed, and moved back to Merry and Pippin. It was impossible not to laugh when you're around them! We stopped for a short rest after a while. I noticed Borimir sidle over to me. I looked at him. It was kinda hard to ignore someone that was standing just two paces away from your face! 

I was looking out at the sky, and smiled at how pretty it was. "What're you thinking about?" Borimir asked. "Just how pretty the sky was, when the sun shines." I replied, still smiling. "Well, it's not as beautiful as you." He said. I looked at him. "Thank you." He smiled "No, I really mean it." This was starting to get a bit uncomfortable. I looked at Aragorn, but he turned to Gimli and Legolas. And Gandalf wasn't much use. Sam and Frodo were cooking, so I looked to Merry and Pippin for help. They grinned and yelled "Oi, Borimir, think you can show a few moves with the sword?" He turned around and sighed. "Sure, you two need to learn!" I put m head back and sighed in relief. 'Thank you soo much!' i mouthed at the two. They grinned and started to fight Borimir.

I stared into the distance, gazing at the landscape. I closed my eyes and inhaled the fresh air, deeply. I listened to the song of the wind, as it rushed by my ears, seemingly alive. I was caught back to the present, by a loud groaning sound. I turned around to see Merry and Pippin sitting on top of Borimir. I started to laugh hysterically! I continued to laugh even when they had got off him. I tried to walk to them but I ended up crashing into Gandalf and stumbling over Gimli. 

Then everyone started laughing at me. I stopped laughing and glared at everyone, then pouted. Still, nobody stopped. This was starting to annoy me. I glanced slyly at the others. I crept into the shadows of some near by trees, and climbed a big busy oak. And waited. There was no way any one could know where  i was, at least not easily. I heard them all quiten down. "Where has she got to now?" I heard Aragon say, exasperated. I laughed silently to my self. I cast my voice to them, making it sound like I was near them "Whats the matter?" I said. They all jumped and looked around. "Come out, don't be a child!" Said Borimir. Ok, this dude was seriously starting to just CRACK NERVES AND GROUND THEM TO A PULP! My face was beginning to look like this O_o.  In actual fact, thats exactly what i wanted to do to his face right...NOW!! What do you mean? I'm right in front of you! Can't you see me?" I shouted, sounding confused, but laughing slightly to myself. 

I heard a twig crack behind me, but before I had time to register it, strong arms were around me and pulling me out of the tree. I felt myself being pulled towards the sunlight, and tried to get out of their grasp. Damn! This thing has got one gooood grip. Humph! That's soo unfair! I got dropped on the ground and got up, my hand ready to slap who ever had just ruined my practical joke...

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