Ch. 16 - Took Long Enough!

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Last Ever Chapter of this Book!!!

Legolas's P.O.V.

I walked out side, holding Freya into my chest. She was crying racking sobs. Heart breaking sounds. It was painful to hear. "Shh, don't cry." I whispered into her hair. "But, he can't be really gone." She said. I looked into her eyes. Tears were flowing freely, her earnest face showing she honestly didn't believe it.

"I'm sorry." I said, feeling helpless. Maybe it'll take time for it to sink in properly. "No, no, you don't understand what I'm saying! He is not dead! I can feel it!" She protested. "He is." Boromir said sharply. I glared at him. Great, he's just made her feel worse, and angry. "I believe you." I said to her, wiping away another stray tear. She smiled at me, before looking at Boromir.

"Whether you'll believe me or not, I don't care. I know what I feel, and my feeling is that he isn't gone." She spoke, her voice dangerously calm, her voice picking up speed towards the end. After wards, you could hear her panting. Boromir snorted, disbelievingly. "I seriously doubt that. What could you of all people know?" He said, scornfully.

She took a deep breath. "H-how dare you!" She took a menacing step forwards, getting in his face. The alarm was evident on his face, and he took a large step back. "What?" He had no idea how much he had offended her. Or. maybe he had. It was that Ring. I had met Boromir before, and he had never once acted like this...But people change...The Ring makes people change...And Freya? Maybe that's just...Oh, I don't know.

While I was trying to figure it out, Freya in the mean time was having a screaming contest. No one could shut her up. So, I was stupid and I did something very, very stupid. "Legolas, try and shut her up!" Aragorn shouted at me. You know what? - I reckon he said that deliberately. I did it without even thinking. I grabbed her arm, and turned her around so she was facing me. I leant forward, and firmly placed my lips to hers.

Freya's P.O.V.

I was cut off by someone spinning me around, and putting their lips against mine. I can tell you, I was in shock. My eyes fluttered shut, and I saw blond. Legolas. I thought. I kissed him back, gently, but pressing slightly harder. It felt...It couldn't have been magic, magic is never that good - I know it. It felt like-like...I can't even begin to describe. Fireworks, maybe. Not really big enough.

Eventually, we broke apart, panting, staring at each other in confusion. How did that happen? I wondered. I shot a glance at Aragorn, who was smirking knowingly. Ok. So that's how. I suppose I'd better tell him thank you before I kill him! "Legolas, get them up." Aragorn said. Legolas, looked at me once more, before starting to follow his orders. "Give them a moment, for pity's sake!" Boromir said, slightly outraged.

Aragorn shook his head. "By night fall these hills will be swarming with orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlórien. Gimli, Legolas, get them up! On your feet, Sam." I was dazed. "I'm going home." I grinned. "I'm going home!" I laughed, and grinned wider, if possible. Be prepared Lothlórien, Royalty is coming home!

So, this was the last chapter! I'll give details about the sequal, where alot more is planned, so please read!! I love you all!!!!

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