Freya P.O.V.
No it couldn't be...Seriously?! I let out a deep breath. Umm what to say. "Um, Hi?" I said. I could have face-palmed myself. That is really original greeting for an old friend. I watched her smirk. "Seriously?! Hi?" she laughed. "What, I was surprised, alright!" I pouted. I don't like being laughed at! She pulled me into a friendly hug. I had a bad feeling about this..."GROUP HUG!!!" Merry and Pippin ran and jumped on us. The four of us fell over in a heap on the floor. Oww, that really hurt...I mean, for their size, those hobbits sure are heavy!Maybe I need to tell them to lay off of the food for a bit! Our provisions sure would last longer, I can tell you that much!
I took one look at the other three, and then at the others who were watching in astounded silence, and started laughing hysterically! My giggles are infectious, so little after I had started those of us who were on the ground were a useless, jumbled, giggling mess! I had to take very deep breaths afterwards; when I was laughing I forgot to breathe!
When asked why I was breathing so deeply, I meerly replied in a innocent voice "Why, when I was laughing I forgot to breathe, so now I am just catching my breath up!" That was too much for the others and everyone started to laugh...AGAIN! I huffed and exclaimed "It's not a laughing matter you know!"
But, I find laughing contagious, and soon after, my mouth began to twitch. I tried relentlessly, to think of something serious, but I failed. Tyson could see my mouth twitching, and said "Watch out, she's gonna blow!" And I did. I burst out laughing, and couldn't stop for twenty minutes straight!
After that, I let out a deep breath, and said "Phew, glads thats over!" Aragorn snicked, and I glared at him, shutting him up instantly. I turned to Tyson, and said "But I think you have some explaining to do to me, don't you?" She shifted, uncomfortably on the spot, evidently not liking the attention everyone was giving her. "Um, can I talk to you in private please?" I raised an eyebrow at her
I just nodded, taking her arm, and pulling her a little way from the group. "Care to explain?"

Weird and Wonderful (A Legolas Love Story)
Novela JuvenilHi! My name is Lady Freya. I am among the 10 companions making up the Fellowship of the Ring, as my uncle, Lord Elrond, put it. What will happen, when the others realize that shes not all a pretty face? That there's more to her than meets the eye...