Ch. 14 - Knock Out

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Freya's P.O.V.

I felt my breath catch in my throat as I watched Legolas distract it. It uses it's chain like a whip, trying to hit him. If I wasn't so worried for his safety, I would be screaming and hiding my eyes by now...But I care too much about him. Bloody hormones. Legolas dodges the lashes expertly, in which I am thankful for. The chain became momentarily caught around a pillar. I felt relieved, but then I saw Merry and Pippin out of the corner of my eye, trapped by a large group of Orcs. Well, that did it. No one hurts my friends.

I ran madly towards them, and jumped in front, pushing them protectively behind me. I lashed out at the Orcs. "Use your swords!" I panted to the two of them. It took them a few seconds to get to grips, but the picked them up. I noticed them exchange glances and turn and run madly, like headless chickens, screaming, towards the group. For a minute they were distracted. I would have laughed if it wasn't so vital that I kicked their butts.

I swung my sword at them, and thrust my dagger into their chests, watching them fall down. Dead. I turned and saw Legolas running up that beastly troll, to stand on top of it. He aims and shoots at its head. At least it was easier for him, considering he was standing on top of it. But then he had to jump off, when the troll grabs for his ankles. Why is it so damn crazy??

I ran over to Sam, and my sword came crashing down onto several Orcs, causing them to become dazed. Sam hit them around the head with the frying pan! Gosh, that was amusing. I nodded and said "You alright?" He nodded, grinning. "I think I'm getting the hang of this!" I chuckled, but was distracted by Frodo yelling to Aragorn. "Be careful Sam." I moved away, and caught Aragorn's eye. "You've got to help him." I mouthed. He nodded. "Wait here." That was the last thing I knew before I blacked out. Convenient and impeccable timing right? Not.

Legolas's P.O.V.

I watched Aragorn run to Frodo, and glanced at Freya. Something was wrong. She had her eyes shut, and was swaying unsteadily. I couldn't move. She fell down, her sword just narrowly missed penetrating her chest. I felt my legs regain their life, and sprinted over to her, and turned her on her back lifting up her head. I shot any Orcs that dared attempt to approach us, hoping it would end soon. Even better, that she would wake up.

I hear screams from behind, and turn. The troll grabbed Merry and throws him off of the top of itself. Ow. That landings gotta hurt. Pippin looked furious, and stabbed it. I took my chance, and aimed straight for the brain. It fell down with an almighty thud. Dead. I looked to see Aragorn rolling Frodo over. Oh lord, I hope he's alright.

He sat up. I felt relief of some sort enter my body. "He's alive!" Sam shouted, happily. I wondered how he could have changed his attitude just like that, but it was a heavy topic to think about. Frodo gives a crooked smile. "I'm alright, I'm not hurt." Well, surely that blow would have killed him? Aragorn spoke my thoughts. "You should be dead! That spear would have skewered a wild boar!" But I mean, we're not complaining!

Gandalf looked knowingly at him. "I think there's more to this hobbit, than meets the eye." Frodo then pulled aside his shirt, to reveal a Mithril vest. "Mithril! You are full of supprises Mr. Baggins!" Gimli excalimed. More Orcs poured through the doors and I picked up Freya as Gandalf shouted "To the bridge of Khazad-Dum!"

I had a BAD feeling about this.

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