Ch. 12 - You Idiot!

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*Please comment! I spent ages on this chapter!*

Freya's P.O.V.

We made our way through the mines...though I can honestly say, with all my heart, that I wished I could be anywhere else. I wrapped my cloak around myself, trying to keep in the little warmth I could. I focused on Gandalf's head, moving forward, not looking at the sickening scenery around me. Risking one look, I caught glimpse of several mangled, decomposing bodies off of the path. I looked away as quickly as I could, feeling nauseous, felt the bile rising up my throat.

Someone grabbed my arm, and stopped me. I looked down, blinking the tears forming in my eyes. "Are you alright?" Legolas asked me, forcing my chin up, making me look into his eyes. I just avoided his gaze, staring at his hair, mouth, nose, ears, just trying to avoid telling the truth. I mean, what kind of a person goes on a journey, risking their life, facing death and mortal danger, if they can't even look at something that's pure evil, that's better off dead, without feeling sick? Someone weak, that's's who.

"Right we're stopping here, for a short break. About 20 minutes. Don't go wandering off by yourself." Gandalf said. I pulled away from Legolas, and went away from the group, and sat down on a dusty rock. I should never have come...."Don't say that!" I gazed into his eyes, searching for an answer to a question that I didn't even know. Looking defiantly at him, I said "And why not? What use have I been?" He laughed. Legolas sat down next to me, and turned my face towards him, stroking my cheek softly.

I couldn't deny it, it felt right. I think...I think know that I've fallen for him. "You obviously have no idea what you have done for us all, but especially for me." He said softly, leaning slightly closer to me. My heart started beating double time, and I held my breath. "And what have I done for you?" I asked, breathlessly, moving closer to him. "How about I show you?" He breathed. Time seemed to slow down, and it seemed like it was only us two in the worlds that mattered at that precise moment in time... He leant forwards, and - "Sorry, am I interupting something?" We shot apart like we had been electrecuted.

We looked at the intruder, and he said "What?" Snidely. I glowered at him. I watched Aragorn come up behind Borimir, and drag him away from us. "Ouch!" My head turned to see Aragorn slapping Borimir around the head. Hard. "You idiot!" He hissed at him. "Get over it, she doesn't like you!" Borimir just clenched his fists tightly, and was going to say something when Gandalf said "Right, moving on!" We walked for a bit, before entering a chamber. It was dusty, and cold, but it was obvious it was a tomb. I watched Gimli walk slowly up to the stone chest, and read the inscriptions, before wailing loudly.

I caught Aragorn's eye. He would attract attention. In that split second glance, I realised that both of us had bad feelings about this. I raced over to Gimli, and crouched down next to him, pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry." I whispered, calming him down, reducing his wailing crys to mere whimpers and hiccups. "Thank you." He said. I just smiled sympathetically at him, before hearing a clanging. I whipped my head round to see a sight that made my fears possible, that they could come true...

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