Ch.3 - Starting Out

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We were off at once. We headed to the Mordor. Everyone else apart from Legolas and I, seemed to be moaning, or have low spirits, for some reason. I couldn't be down. It was all too much fun! We came across an open plain, with some large boulders. "We need to go on." Aragon persisted. "Not all of us can!" I said glaring at him "They need food and sleep, we've been going for ages. They need to rest!" I said. Aragon sighed. "Fine, but not for long." Sam and the other hobbits looked relieved. For some reason, I had taken a particular liking to Sam. He is an excellent cook!

I looked up, at the sky. I stood up and said "Legolas, come here." "What is it?" He asked. I pointed to the sky. "That doesn't look like clouds to me..." He looked up. "That's because there not!" He said. "Cerbain from Dunland!" "Everyone hide!" We yelled. They all ran behind a boulder. I just stood there, looking at it. Then I felt arms around my waist, dragging me down. I fell into someones lap. "Stay still" They whispered. I looked down, and realised that the person still had their arms around me. I blushed. They soon passed. Then Aragon stood up. The person, released me from their arms and I stood up. I hope it wasn't Borimir or Legolas! I thought. It would be so embarrassing! 

I looked down, and blushed when I saw it was Legolas that had pulled me down. In a way, I would have prefered it if it was Borimir! I held my hand out, and he took it. I pulled him up. "Thank you" I whispered, quietly to him. "My pleasure" He flashed a smile at me. I blushed. What?? Why I was blushing?? What was wrong with me??!!! I saw Borimir glare at Legolas. Legolas looked confused, and then we realised that we hadn't let go of each others hands. We both went red and let go instantly. But, I must admit, it felt nice, holding onto his hand. I sighed, knowing he would never feel the same. He was a Prince, after all. AHHHH!! What am I thinking?? I'm going crazy!

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