Ch.2 - Elronds Council

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Elrond and I entered the council. He had come to get me, for I would have been late. I always considered Elrond, as some what of a second father to me, even though he was my uncle. I was one of the few people, Elrond let call him Elrond, without saying Lord. I don't know why. The others would get a start if he talked to me! I thought.

I noticed that there was quite a few people there. And they were staring at me. I went to my seat, next to Aragorn's. Goody! He had saved me a seat. He grinned at me. "Nice entrance" He said. I gave him a sarcastic smile. Men these days! As if he could read my thoughts, he raised an eyebrow, as if to say, and, so what about us. I gave him a monotone blank face, and turned around, to face Elrond. I noticed that there were 2 people still staring at me. A man, Borimir, and an elf, Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood. I had met Legolas before, for some reason or other. Usually at feasts. But I didn't know him well enough to like him,  or dislike him. Borimir stood up. He walked over to the ring. "No. This is a gift-" I snorted "Let us use it against Sauron, and his puppet Saruman. Let me take it back to Gondor!" He said "Not bloody likely!" I said, snorting. 

Borimir turned round and looked at me. "It cannot be weilded-" I started, "By that of men. Or elves. It obeys its one and only master Sauron" Aragorn finished. "And what would a ranger and a mere she-elf know about such things?" I gasped. He didn't! Oh no, yes he did! Aragorn sighed, knowing what was going to come. "What did you call me?!" I hissed, daring him to repeat. "How dare you speak to me like that!" I said to him. Legolas stood up. "This is no mere she- elf or ranger. That ranger happens to be Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and heir to the throne of Gondor. You owe him your alligance." Legolas stated. "So, this is Arvedui's heir!"

"And that mere she-elf, is Lord Elronds niece, so be nice. She is the Granddaughter of the Lady Galadriel, of Lorien." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Any more family traits you'd like to reveal while your at it, Legolas?!" Aragorn laughed as I said it. He opened his mouth to answer. "It was a rhetorical question!" I said. Borimir turned to me and bowed. "I didn't know my Lady. Forgive me." I nodded. "You're lucky I'm in a forgiving mood!" Aragorn nodded. "You don't want to be on the wrong side of her then! I've had it too many times!" He said. I just glared at him. "Do you want to live?" I asked, sweetly, without hiding the malice in my voice. "Not much chance have I, if that rings going to just stay there. We'll all be dead by the time we come to a decision!" He said. 

"Hmmhp" was all I said. "But let us use it against him!" Borimir said. "Have you not heard Lord Elrond?!" Leoglas said again. "The ring needs to be destroyed!" "And I suppose you think your the one to do it!" The dwarf, Gimli, said standing up. "I'll be dead before I see the ring at the hands of an elf!" Ooohh! Hes gone to far. Legolas gave him the most evil glare. If looks could kill, Gimli would be looong gone!

I listened to the others bickering. I sighed. Why couldn't they just all get along?- but no, that couldn't- no wouldn't-be so. My ears heard the little Hobbit, Frodo Baggins, attempting to be heard over the shouting. I took a deep breath and yelled "SHUT UP!!"  They all instantly shut up. "I think Frodo has something to say to us all" I gave the others a massive glare, and gave Frodo a quick smile for him to go on "I will take the ring to the fires of Mordor. I will destroy it." He said. Then, one by one, Legolas, Aragon, Gandalf, Borimir, Gimli, Sam, Merry and Pippin all said they were going too. "And me!" I said, standing up. I hadn't come here for no reason. The others looked at me, shocked.

Elrond sighed, but nodded.  Aragorn, however, did not fail to see Elrond's sighing. My uncle said "Very well. You 10 will be known as The Fellowship of the Ring. But by going to the fires of Mordor, you are laying down you lives to do so. You are giving your aid to The Ring bearer-" Elrond pointed at Frodo "And it is your job to see that that ring gets destroyed."

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