Ch. 13 - The Troll

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*Just realised that I've been spelling Boromir's name wrong....Oops! Sorry, but I can't be bothered to go back and change them all! Stupid name...o.O And I've gone back and redone some of the Explanation stories, and it makes more sense now...I knew I had missed something out!*

Freya's P.O.V.

My eyes watched the skeleton fall down the hole, my breath caught in my throat. It pulled the chain down, and the giant stone with it. You could hear the echo all around, boucing from one place to another. "You Fool of a Took!" Gandalf said, rushing over, and pulling Pippin away from the side. "Sorry!" Pippin said sheepishly. Gandalf peered in, and straightened back up, glaring at Pippin...Poor Hobbit...I almost feel sorry for him! It's a terrifying thing to have an angry Gandalf glaring at you! But then again...he did kind of deserve it!

"Throw yourself in next time, and rid us of your stupidity." Gandalf hissed at him. Yup. Definately unimpressed. "We must move on. We cannot linger here." Legolas said, hastily. "Why?" Boromir said. Oh, those two must love each other really...Legolas glared sharply at Boromir, who returned the favor. Or prehaps not. O.o <- That's probably what I look like every time those two fight...I think I'm seeing a love/hate bromance emerging! "Freya!"

I looked around sheepishly, to find everyone's gaze upon me. "Uh...Yes?" Gandalf sighed. "Pay attention. Now, Legolas was saying that you could hear them approaching...Can you? You have a better sense of hearing than us..." I frowned, and strained my ears. I jumped. "What are they?" I asked, confused. "They're making an aweful lot of noise, especially condsidering that we haven't heard at all, all the time we've been in here. Aren't they?" "Goblins...Nasty little buggers at that!" Gimli snarled. "They're getting closer..." I breathed.

I noticed Aaragorn, Legolas and Boromir take up fighting stances. I grasped the handle on my sword, and checked my arrows. Plenty. Drums started pounding and I saw Frodo's sword glow blue. "wow...!" Pippin said, and I just shook my head. Boys..."Orcs!" Legolas said, and Boromir checked out behind the door. He jumped back inside, missing being hit by a couple of arrows, and shuts the door. "They have a cave troll!" He said. "Oh my god." I said. Not cool.

"Stay back close to Gandalf!" Aragorn said, protectively to me, but also to the others. Now that's just sexist! I can take care of myself! I watched them pick up a sword off the ground, and put it across the door, to bar it. I handed them another one. Aragorn just gave me a look, and I gave him one. He so was not happy about this! "Let them come!" The shouting made me jump.

"There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!" Gimli said, brandishing his axe. The Orcs began to break holes in the door, making a terrible noise. Aragorn and Legolas started firing arrows through the gaps, so I joined them. My first hits were dead accurate, startling Aragorn. "I said to stay with Gandalf!" he hissed, concentrating. "What use was I there? I can help here, now lets kick some Orc butt!" I said, pretty pissed off. I was not happy being treated like this. I was as good as him, and he knew it.

Eventually the Orcs broke through the door. I scrambled back, and took a fighting stance. I threw a sword toward Sam, and he caught it. We all began fighting, even the hobbits! Orc blood spattered on my top. "Yueck!" I screeched. Disgusting. Then the Troll comes through the door...I panic slightly, as I watch Sam slip underneath it. "Freya, look out!" I hear a warning, and do a 360 degree air jump, slicing 3 Orcs in half. "Serves you right, trying to sneak up on me!" I hissed at the dead corpses. "Ahhhh!" I heard Gimli scream, and looked around wildly. I watched as the troll smashed the tomb Gimli was standing on, and it killed several orcs in its attempt to get to the dwarf...Stupid creature...

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