🪐𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕡𝕖𝕣🪐

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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟


Kira's eyes opened and she was back in the senate building

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Kira's eyes opened and she was back in the senate building. "What have you done?" He hissed to someone who was not Kira. Kira turned around and she saw Rex holding his pistols, aimed at Palpatine. The blaster shot she heard must have been real. "You idiot." Palpatine added. "This girl is dangerous, a threat to the republic and you shoot at me?" "Rex?" Kira asked as she slowly stood. "I heard you scream and I came back to see you dropped on the floor and the chancellor shooting lighting at you." Kira smiled at him slightly before turning back to Palpatine as she slowly stood. "How dare you use my memories to torment me." She hissed. "You are nothing." Palpatine countered. "Yeah the last person who tried that insult me got his atoms divided into dust." Kira's hands began to glow once more with the familiar purple energy of the Oracle. "This game you're playing is over." Kira stated. "You've lost."
Palpatine glared at the girl. Between her and Rex it seemed as if he truly had lost. But that was not the case. He still had a few more tricks up his sleeve. With one push of the force he launched both Kira and Rex against the wall, causing them to fall limply to the ground and long enough for him to escape.


"Kira," Rex said as he stood up and instantly went to help the woman up as well. He extended his hand to her which she took as she slowly stood up as well. "What the hell just happened?" He asked and Kira looked around to see if she could maybe spot Palpatine. To her dismay, however, he was nowhere to be seen. Kira sighed. This wasn't good. "I think I just completely screwed up the timeline of your reality." She muttered. Rex narrowed his eyes. "You what?" "We've got a problem." Kira added as she quickly began to walk into the hallway of the senate building. "Where are you going?" Rex asked as he followed. "To talk to the council." She replied. "About what?" "Everything." Kira replied vaguely. "Kira you aren't making any sense. What's going on?" She turned to look at the clone. "We just let the most powerful Sith Lord in your reality escape before we could barely even land a hit on him." "Sith Lord?" "Ahaha yeah... spoiler. Sorry."


"There she is." Mace Windu said as Kira burst into the council's meeting, unannounced. "The lady of the hour." He added and Kira noticed how several of the Jedi on the council seemed to glare at her. "Grab her." Obi Wan ordered and two temple guards come forth quickly to restrain the woman. "What the hell-" Kira hissed as the men grabbed her arms. "What are you doing?!" Kira seethed at the council. "What are we doing?" Plo Kloon repeated her words. "My dear, what you should be asking is what have you done?" He added. "The chancellor informed us of your little stunt you tried to pull." Mace Windu said as he folded his hands in his lap. "My little stunt?" Kira said with a scoff. It seemed as if Palpatine had beat her to the Jedi council in a desperate attempt for his plan to stay hidden. But he had still underestimated Kira. Kira had looked into the void, she had seen all possible realities. She knew his every move and she was not about to let him win. She wouldn't fail like Fives and others had in alternate realities. Kira had the whole of time and space on her side. She was the Oracle, and she wasn't about to be outsmarted by some stupid man. "You must be joking." "Unfortunately for you this council deals in matters of the Jedi not comedy." The earth girl scowled at Mace Windu. "And it is also this council that finds you guilty of the highest degree of treason with an assassination attempt on the chancellor."


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