"We Both Can be Heroes!" 🥦💚[Kid! Deku x Kid! Reader]

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Hello!, yes I am back for another oneshot about MHA. I currently have watched the first Episode of Season 5 and it was Funny and adorable at the same time.

This oneshot was requested by:
Thank you for requesting and I hope you will enjoy this oneshot! 💚

- Deku X reader symbol:
- There will be only cute cinnamon things in this chapter so TW! Your heart will be exploded by cuteness~

That's all and enjoy✨

It is a sunny day in the neighborhood. Y/n is playing in the living room with their best friend Izuku Midoriya. Both of you were playing with your all Might action figures, giggling and laughing non stop. Izuku is staying over at your house for the day so the both of you had time to play with each other as long as the both of you want"Kid's!, lunch time!"Your mother called you and Izuku.
"Okay!" You said with a wide smile as the both of you stood up and ran to the kitchen still giggling at each other.

You pulled on the big chair that is right in front of you and pulled it, same did Izuku for his chair. Both of you climb on the chair and sat on your knees so the both of you can reach the dining table. Your mother came out if the kitchen with a plate of sandwiches on her hand and she sat the plate down in front of you and Izuku, "Thanks mom!, your the best at making sandwiches!" "Yeah! Ms.L/n is the best at making these!" Izuku and you said smiling at your mother.
Your Mother smiled at the both of you and petted both of your heads and walked back to the kitchen to clean up.

You grabbed 2 sandwiches and gave the other one to Izuku who accepted it. Both of you ate your sandwiches and got off the chair and went back to the living room just in time to see All Might on the news"Wow!, All Might is soo cool!. Right Y/n?" Izuku smiled widely at you as he held up his All Might action figure"Of course he is Izuku!, he's the number 1 Hero!"you said to him smiling and giggling at him
"One day.. I want to be the number 1 Hero just like All Might!"Izuku said to you. You smiled again as the both of you decide to go turn off the TV and went up Stairs to your room. You both sat on your bed playing super heroes and giggling, you got some toys out from your toy box and started to play with some. Izuku got his All Might onesie and put it on.

[Time Skip]

Your mother took both of you out to go to the park. You all made it to the park and the both of you immediately saw Kacchan and his mother and some of his friends.
Both of you ran towards him and his friends, your mother quickly following behind the both of you. She started chatting with Mitsuki while you and Izuku played with Kacchan. "Come on guys, were gonna play villains and Heroes!, I'll be the Hero and you loser's shall be the villain's!" Kacchan said and laughed as the rest of his friends agreed and took the villain side"K-kacchan can me and Y/n be Heroes too? " Izuku asked stuttering at his words.

Kacchan ran to him with explosions on the palm of his hands ready to attack him. But luckily you stood right in front of Izuku and used your Quirk on Kacchan, shoving him to the ground lightly. You were surprised when you realized you got your Quirk by saving your friend. You looked at your hands to see big paws, not just any paw but a Tiger's paw that had little not so sharp claws on them. Your mother's Quirk is called animal transformation and your father's Quirk was called Tiger. Basically you got your father's Quirk, you put on a wide smile as you turned around to see a almost crying Izuku. You did not realize that Kacchan and his friends ran away leaving the both of you alone, tears were pricking on the side of his eyes as you come closer to him. You realized that the tiger paws wasn't there anymore on your hand.

And your hand went back to normal. You reached out a hand towards Izuku's trembling body, giving him a sign that your trying to help him to get him up on his feet again. He took your hand whimpering and stood up straight looking at you"T-thanks for helping me Y/n-san.. "He said and wiped his tears away" Your so lucky to have your Quirk finally to come out, maybe someday YOU will be a hero, and maybe only YOU that can be a hero and not ME"Izuku said starting to cry a bit. Eyes watery and nose sniffling, he was trying so hard not to cry in front of you.You grabbed his hand"didn't worry Izuk-kun,I will make sure that 'We Both Can be Heroes!' "
You said smiling at him. He smiled back as the both of you started to play together on the swings, sand box, well.. Let's just say the both of you made it to U.A and got in the same class as a happily ever after.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭~

Sorry if it's a short one but again thank you to:Aubrey303881 for requesting this chapter! I hope you liked it! 💚

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