🏖️In The Ocean~ PT. 2 🏖️ 🤐😴 Pirate! Shinsou X Mermaid! Reader

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Haru  and Hitoshi got out of the bar and headed  to there mother and father's house
Mihoko Shinsou and Hajime Shinsou:

Haru  and Hitoshi got out of the bar and headed  to there mother and father's houseMihoko Shinsou and Hajime Shinsou:

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(Credit for art:Keiid on Twitter)

(Hajime left, Mihoko Right)

After they both made it to there house Haru knocked on the door 3 time's "Coming!" a women's voice is heard from the other side of the door. Hitoshi shrugged and knew that it was his mother, Haru noticed and looked down at him "Hey,cheer up now!. They would love to see you!" Haru said happily
"Whatever" Hitoshi said as he looked at the ocean that was right behind him and thought about the mermaid thing that Sero said earlier on the ship"Mermaid's... "
Hitoshi said quietly before he was disturbed by someone tapping on his shoulder"Hitoshi!, i've missed you so much son!"Mihoko said hugging Hitoshi tightly"Miss you to mom!.."he said, he almost couldn't breathe all because of his mother's hug"oop's! Mihoko said gigling at her son's expression as both of them got inside there cottage and spend quality family time together.

|√ Meanwhile in the Ocean √|

You swam away quick until you got into your coral mini cottage that was in a small village right next to the King's castle. You sighed in relive when you lost sight of Kaminari the little crab. "Well that sucked" You said and sat on your stone couch(IDK okay?) While thinking about the purple haired human that didn't beloved in mermaids "what is this feeling? " You asked yourself as you stared blank on the coral stone wall. You were interrupted by knocking on your door "shoot" You silently said as you swam to the door and open it to see no one there"wtf?"you said as you looked pretty confused"Down here!"someone yelled, you looked down to see you crab friend Kaminari out of breath"
Why are you so fast all if the sudden? "He huffed as he looked up at you" Why didn't YOU changed into your merman form?"you said staring daggers at him from how stupid of a crab he is"Cause I ate all of my sea grass and I need more so I can regenerate to become a merman again!"he whined at you as he walked in"*sigh* fine, you can get some in the back of my house if you want"you said bluntly "Sure thing!" Kaminari said as he walked his way to the front door.

√ 30 minutes later√

30 minutes later he came back with a couple of sea weed's on his crab hand as he ate one and became a merman again.Types of merman/mermaid like Kaminari are called mer-crab's, they can turn into a crab and a mer-person. Mer-crab's are pretty often to see in the ocean. There real form is a crab   
that can turn into a freaking mer-person which is really interesting to see. "What a relief!" Kaminari said as he wiped up his imaginary sweat"So back to the point, why we're you listening to those humans conversation?"he asked curiously"I don't want to talk about it"you said quietly"Oh come on!,your secret is save with me!"Kaminari said smiling. You sighed and told him everything"What??? That purple haired human doesn't believe in mermaids?? What wimp!"he said laughing" Haha.. I know right?"you said sarcastically nervous to tell him the other parts of the story"hey what's wrong?"he asked you as you hit your lip that tasted like salt water"Well you see, when I looked at the purple human I felt something inside of me telling to just go to the surface and talk to him like a fish in dry land"you said to him"so your telling me that you like that human?"he said smirking at you"N-no!"you said blushing.

√{ Time skip at night }√

You were on your bed taking off your shell-bra all because the water temperature right now was pretty hot even though it's night time. You sighed as you can't sleep because you were still thinking about the purple haired human you got out of bed and out on your shell-bra again, as you sneakily and quietly go outside of you house because you didn't want to get caught by the guards guarding the village to see if anyone is awake. Usually in your village the king would want his subjects to sleep pretty early at night so they can work tomorrow perfectly in time to sell food and other things that are important in the village. You swam to where the last place you were starring at the two humans"there not here??"you asked yourself as you sighed, and swam away until you here a water splash. You looked back to see 2 fins? No they didn't looked like fin's
They were covered with 2 objects that was made with leather that you all ready know"what the?" You said confused as you swan to it really slowly so it would not attack you(LOL I'm laughing 🤣🤣🤣)
You tapped it a bit and it flinched in shock"hah!?"you said again until you wanted to know more about it, research about and look at every single detail of it. You reached your head to the surface a bit and saw the purple headed human that you truly loved a lot"it's him!"you said quietly.Right now Hitoshi is sitting on the deck his legs under water with his leather boots still on, he looks really pissed and annoyed for no reason. You started to approach
Him slowly and looked a little bit closer to see his features, gus purple hair seems really fluffy and stick's up all the time well groomed. His feature to you is incredibly handsome, for no reason you really like his eye bags a lot cause you think he looks handsome with it. He looked at the ocean and Saw your head peaking out it the water"ma'am!, are you okay!?"he asked you confused and panicked at the same time"huh?"you said looking confused as you show your true body your collar bone and wet hair.
He blushed"hey, you should borrow my j-j-jacket! Hear!"he said as he pulled you ot if the water and he was shocked on what he just Saw.
A mermaid, a real existing mermaid right infront of him, a F/c fish tail and w F/c shell bra.He blushed and you blushed back"your kidding right?"he said looking at you"what do you mean human?"you asked confused"are you Like really a mermaid?"he asked"of course i am dumb a#$ what do you think"you said. His face still looked like he didn't believed his own eye's, he has been pinching and slapping himself on the face and saying that it's a dream"m-maybe I can show you that it's real?"you said blushing as he stopped himself and looked at you.

You both leaned into eachother and your lips touched. Hitoshi tasted the salty taste of your lips but he didn't even mind as he continued to kiss you passionately.
You both pulled away as you went back into the water to catch your breath cause you have been on the land for at least long enough"So, like can we meet up again sometime?"he asked you, you blushed"Of course we can. But i don't know your name"you said to him rubbing the back of your wet hair"Oh, right. My Name is Hitoshi shinsou, you could call me Hitoshi or shinsou or what ever you want to call me"he said looking with a blush on his face"Okay then!, i'll cak you Toshi!. Is that okay?"you asked him"yeah it's okay"Hitoshi said"What's Yours?"he asked you"My Name is Y/n L/n"you said and smiled as you went back in the water.


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