"My Pikachu"~⚡💛[Kaminari X Reader]

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Kaminari X Reader sign:

enjoy love's ~✓

Kaminari and you were best friends since child hood.
from the day you both were born to the day you guy's are both in U.A high school.
Today is saturday, you and Kaminari dicided to go hangout for a bit."Ya ready to head out of town!"Kaminari said exciter"Yeah!"you said,
raising your fist in the air"Then lets gooo~!"Kaminari said running down the hallways of the dorm room.You followed him from behind and chsed him down the hallways"No running in the dorms!!"Iida said from down stair's.You both stopped when you both made it down stair's all because of Iida.But when you guy's got out of the dorm house,you bith started to run again toward's the theme park that you both wanted to go so badly!.You both stopped to take a minute to catch bith of your breaths"we...were..so fast.."You huffed as you went to stand up straight again"yeah.We were weren't we?"he said smirking at you"Yeah! we should totaly annoy Iida more often!"You bith laughed at your comment and walked to the theme park together.You and Kaminari are the bestest friend's,and would never keep secret's from eachother EVER.But there is one little secret that Kaminari kept to himself,and he didn't told what secret he is hiding.
His secret is, is that he has a big crush on you and he can't spill the beans to you..YET.
He offered you to go hang out with him cause he's trying to confess his feelings to you at the theme park.But he still didn't know how to explain his feelings to you.You both got to the theme park and saw a bunch of ride's and mini game's that they have.

"Wow! this theme park is Amazing!"you said gaping your mouth open"I know right!?"Kaminari squeld in happines as he looked at your beautiful smile.He blushed a little at your cute smile"Let's go on some ride's!"you said,dragging him straight at the ticket counter and getting 2 tickets for the both of you.
"Let's go on the rollercoaster!"
you said dragging him over to the rollercoaster'she's so energetic' he said in his mind.
you both made it at the rollercoaster until Kaminari said"I'm hungry.Let's eat first"
he said as his stomach rumbles"Did you know if you eat before going on ride's,for example:The roller coaster.
If you eat before the rollercoaster you would barf on the ride"You explained to him wide mouth"Well that does make sence.BUT AFTER THIS WE HAVE TO EAT CAUSE IT'S BEEN lIKE 30 MINUETS SINCE I LAST ATE!"Kaminari huffed as both of you got on your seat's.

~✓ 30 minute's later..✓~

After 30 minute's of the ride,you both got out of your rollercoaster seat's until Kaminari snacthed your wrist and ran to the snack station.
you both got your seat's and ordered.Kaminari ordered some pancake's since it is still morning,you ordered yourself some F/f.You both waited as you both chatted a little bit"are you really that hungry Kami?"
you asked with one eyebrow up smirkibg happily"Ya think?"
hr said putting his hand on his cheek getting bored of the simple confesation you both are having right now.He needee food right now.His stomach can't stop rumbling,as you heard the rumbling of his stomach you gigled at him making his cheek's turn into a bright pink.
Both of your meal's have arrived and you two started eating,but Kaminari is the one ate it more quicker than you.Cuz he a hungry Pikachu.

~• 1 hour later ~•

it is allready night time and the theme park is going to close.
You two decided to go back to the dorms and maybe Kaminari will confess his feelings there.
After a long walk to the dorms you both made it and emmidiently webt up stairs to you dorm room.You both sat on the bed speechless until Kaminari interrupted the silence"Y/n.I have something to tell you"He said looking at you in the eye's with a worried face"Kami,you can tell me anything.What's wrong?"you said,puttong your hand on his shoulder to reassure him it's okay"Well,you see..I-i ILIKEYOUMORETHENAFRIEND,ILOVEYOU!"he yelled a little.
Your eyes widened and your face was flushed in red and so does Kaminari"i-i'm sorry,i know you don't like an idiot like-"Before he said his sentence is forced to be cutted all because of you kissing him on the lips.
Both of you pulled away with flushed faces"i love you to My Pikachu" you said giving a kiss on the cheek.

The End~

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