"I Love You"🤓👓[Iida X Fem Reader]

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And again enjoy my piece of crap.And thankyou for reading it :)

Also there might be spoilers of TUA(The Umbrella Academy) in this fluff.I just wanted to add the series in here for fun!.So i recomend one of you reader's watch the umbrella academy cause it's a really cool netflix series.

It is summer weekend.And right now your in your dorm vibin' and watching T.U.A s1 on netflix on your laptop.
You really liked the actor's that were playing there roles,you LOVED the show so that is why your watching it TWICE this week.Your favorite charcter from the movie is the little genius pshyco 'Number 5'
he reminded you of Iida your all time crush since you guys were little.Well he is smart but less murdery like 5 is.Iida is your best friend and you respect him like a brother sometimes,but still hide your feelings for him cause your afraid that he might just reject your feelings.You blushed at the thought of Iida cuddling with you and watching your favorite movie together.
Iida also reminded you of 'Luther Number 1/Space boy'
because of his strong musculer arms and body.
Luther from the movie series is a really friendly character that LOVE'S and i mean LOVES his other 6 sibling's just like Iida caring about his classmates,including you.
Iida has huggable arm's just like Luther has.

While you were half way into the movie someone knocked on your door.You paused the movie and openee the door to see Iida with his normal button up shirt and glasses"Oh Iida!.
What's wrong?"you asked"O-oh nothing!,i was just checking if you were busy today?"He asked.You looked at his cheek's that were a bit pink,you smiled at him"No!,not at all!.I was just watching a Netflix series!.You know stuff"
you said blushing a little"Oh i-i see there.I was wondering if you want to go to a restaurant with me and the other's tonight,does that sound fine?"
Iida daid rubbing the back of his neck anxiously"fine?,That sounds great!.I would love to go out for dinner with you and the others!"you said smiling brightly at him,he smiled back and blushed a little harder"Well then,we will all meet in front of the door's at 21:04 PM then.Good bye and enjoy your movie"he said smiling and walked away.
You couldn't belive yourself,that you were going to dinner with him and his group that you allready know.
The group of friends he is going to invite,and they Midoriya,Ochako,Tsuyu,and Todoroki.

~'|Time skip|'~

it has been a half an hour since you watched your favorite movies and anime's.
you didn't realize it is night!
"what time is this?"you asked yourself as you lookef at your clock"2...20:53 ?!"You panicked as you remembered that Iida invited you to dinner at a restauraunt and you almost forgit about it.You jumo it of bed got in the bathroom and took a quick shower.After you dried yourself you walked back to your room and changed into some dresses that you have picked."Which one,which one!?"you were out of breath from panicking to hard and you decided you picked a dark blue dress that is long enough to stop at your knee.You got into tye dress and and wore some dark blue high heels to match you dark blue dress.You tied your hair into a bun and you didn't mind to bring a purse with you.After you finish getting dressed you check your clock again and it was 21:03,just in time for tye dinner.You walked to your door ubtik there is a knock on it,you opened the door to see the one and onky Tenya Iida standing there with his glasses and a black suit and tie"Ah!,Iida please forgive cause,i almost forgot that you invited me for dinner heh."rubbing the back of your neck"It's okay i actually almost forgot about it to,even though i'm the one that invited everyone"he said chuckling and blushing at the same time.Both of you chatted until
you both got out of the dorm building to see Ochako,Midoriya,Stuyu,And Todoroki all dressed nicely for the night.After that you all got into Iida's Limmo (Why am i laughing at the word Limmo LMAO XD) and drive to the restauraunt.

After a few minutes in the car,Iida's driver parked the car(Iida is rich so that is why he has a driver 😗~🎵)
after parking,the driver got out of it's seat and opened the car door for all of us get out of the car.The driver said that he'd be picking them all up at 22:13 PM so you guys still have a enough time to chat and talk for a bit at the restauraunt.
The restauraunt was huge and it seem's kind off formal and fancy just like a castle"Wow!,i cant belive it that this is a rich restauraunt!"Ochako said her eye's sparkling as she looked at every rich people she could see"Well i'm glad you all like this restauraunt.Cause this is my family's restauraunt and um i just wanted to tru some ofbthe food's with all of you!"Iida said smiling at us with pure happiness.

after you all got your seat's the waiter started to give you the menu's and waited fir all of you to order"Welcome to the Iida's family restauraunt what can i get all of you and master tenya?"the waiter asked politely"these look's really good i can't decide!"you said bluntly"maybe we can all take the stake.I heard it's very good"Iida said to all of us and we all nodded our heads in agreement.The waiter took the order and went to the kitchen.

~'√Time skip after eating cuz
       me lazy to write more√'~

after eating you alld ecided to go to the rooftop of the restauraunt to see the fire works cause todat was the grand opening.You all went up the roof top and got ready for the fire works"I'm so excited!"Midoriya said with sparkling eyes"Same"Todoroki said calmly.

you all leaned at the gray fence and you were standibg right next to Iida"Hey guys,maybe we should go to tge other side of the roof top to get a good look of the fire works more,Kero"Stuyu said as the three walked off into the distance"are you twi coming?"
Stuyu said looking at the both of you"No,no you all go along now"you said smiling at Stuyu"if insist,Kero"she said and walked off.

Now it was just you and Iida alone leaning the fence.Hand's almost touching as the both you blushed and the cold breezy wind flew both of your hair's in the breeze"So."you started breakibg the silence"What now?"You asked Iida"Well.."he said nervously"I want to tell you something"
he said intertwining his hand with your's.You blushed beat red"Y-yea s-s-same here."You said back to him"You should go first!"Iida said"O-okay.."You said"I don't know what to say b-but,it's just that you make me feel very speacial Iida Kun.
And i really like you,MORE then just friend's...But it's okay if you don't like me back!!",you said to him almost tearing up cause you thought that he would reject your feelings"Y/n i-i like you to...no...I Love You"
he said to you until you both leaned in and kissed while the sound of cheering and fire works were in the back ground.You both pulled away and looked into eachother's eye's embarresed as both of your face's turned red like kirishima's hair"I Love You,to Tenya Iida"


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