🏖️In The Ocean~🏖️ 🤐😴 Pirate! Shinsou X Mermaid Reader

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ya know what i'm not gonna do the information thing again
maybe ya'll allready know what the sign's mean so for all the rest of the update's i'm not gonna do this again...Or.

In this chapter Shinsou has an identical twin brother!.And i'm naming him Haru,Haru has the same hair as Shinsou does but less the eyebag's and gloomy-ness.

Also the reader is a girl thankyou.

Enjoy the story i wrote~~

"This is so boooringggg..."You whined looking at your friend Kaminari the yellow crab (yes in here Kaminari is a crab,just imagine a crab having yellow scale/skin/shell and yellow hair with a black lightning strip)
"Well,it's the ocean life.The king does not want us species to go up there to see those human's BleH!"Kaminari said sticking out his little crab tounge"Uh huh..today u saw you punced a human girl's butt."you said to him"Oh come on!,she was so hot!"he whined at you"Whatever you say crabby pant's"you said getting up from the rock that you were sitting on and swimmed away from him"Hey!,wait for me!"Kaminari said while swimming and running at you at the same time.Your T/c(Tail color) Fwipped faster and faster so that Kaminari can't catch up,you finally made it to the village and dicided to wait for Kaminari"Huh?,is that a human's ship?"someone said from behind you.You looked back,and then you looked up to see something huge that is made of wood,it was a human ship.The big shadow of the ship darkened the village as you swam up towards it"Young lady! it's not safe to do that!!.Get away from the ship!"a guard said l,you sgrugged him off untill you fekt someine pinch your fin"Ow!"you yelped,as you looked down to see your crab friend Kaminari pinching you bottom fin."What was that for?!"you said swimming after him"That was for you siwmming to fast"he pibches you again"Ouch!" "And that is for going near that big floatibg thing"he said to and smiled devilishly"I hate you denki"you said to him l,his devilish sniled turned into a frown"Aww come on!,it wa sjust a tiny pinch"he whined and turned into his mermen form.He has yellow scale's with his fin black just like his black thunder stripe.
"Are you two okay!?"someone said from behind you both,you both turned around to be met by Yaomomo,Ochako and Mina"Yeah were fine" you said bluntly"Well,we were wondering if you guy's wanna meat up with the other's at the city!,i heard there were new games and stuff"Mina said twirling around"Sure thing dudet-" "No,not for me"you said quickly"Huh?,whyyy???"
Mina whined"Well you see i have uh...STUFF!,stuff to do at my coral house!"You lied to them"Well as you wish"Kaminari said swimming away with the other's.

You lookee at your left,and then your right.No one was there not a singel guard or mer-people in sight"Okay!,time to explore that ship thingy!"you said to yourself as you swam up,as you were swimming up you heard talji from above the ship"huh?"you said confuse and putted your head out the water,your long/short hair was wet and sloppy as you got out of the water you perked up your ear and listened quietly"I allready told you that mermaid's are real!,you got to belive me"A guy said.You looked up and sawa guy with black hair his elbows rounded
'wow what a elbow' you thought to yourself as you continued to look at him"Are you sure?,maybe you just drank to much beer and now your just thinking about random Sh#t."
a guy with purple fluffy hair said holding a sword on his hand's'man that guy is hella hot!' you said as you blushed and looked away"Agh,whatever you say man i'm quiet sure mermaid's are re-,WAIT! LOOK RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!,IT'S A MERMAID!!"the guy with the bkack haired yelled 'SH#T!'
you thought as you went back ibti the water.You saw the guy with purple hair turned around after you dipped your head back in the water"I dunno,maybe it was just fish jumping out of water"he said looking back at his black haired friend"Fine,fine you win!,call me whatever you want i just don't care"the black haired guy said and walked away.Your heart was beating so fast that it almost fell out of you"Phew!,that was close!"
you said"Doing STUFF at your coral huh Y/n?"you gasped loudly as you looked behind you to see Kaminari in his crab form again"Oh!,h-hey Kami!"you said fake smiling"Mhmm."he said with a smirk"D-did you saw everything?"you asked shyly,he nodded his head,you blushed in embarrassedment"Oh come on!,your secret is save with me!"he said"Uhh..i dunno,i don't trust a single bit Kami"you said and swam away from him again"Hey!,wait for me!!"he screamed from behind you as he turned into his merman form.



After Sero walked away to the dock's,Shinsou continued to mind his own buisness just admiring the beautiful blue ocean"What an a$$hole"Shinsou muttered out of his breath,he was swearing at Sero ajd his DORKINESS of thinking mermaid's are real.Mermaid's were real Shinsou just doesn't belive on them"Hey Shinsou!,come on get off the boat!.Were goibg to the bar!,aren't you coming!"one of shinsou's crewmate's said.His name is Haru Shinsou's identical twin brother and the captain of the ship"NoOOooOoo!"Shinsou/Hitoshi whined"Oh come on!,dad would love to see you back at the village since were bith set sailed with our other crewmates and been busy,why don't we both just relax and have a brotherly moment"Haru saif smiling while hugging Hitoshi from the side"Ugh,fine whatever"Hitoshi said rolling his eye's as he walked out of the ship and went ti the bar that Haru said.

To Be Continued➡️

There will be a part 2 of this
on tommorow so wish me luck on having eybag's for tommorow (T_T)

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