❄️Winter day's❄️ 🥋🐒Ojiro X Fem! Reader

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Hi! Me back!

i know i didn't took a long break but i just felt bad for all of you that are awaiting for new chapter's and request's on this one shot book.

ojiro x reader sign:
🥋🐒(i know sorry for da monkey)

Also,i am here to tag my friend that has been working so hard on a shinsou x reader oneshot book that i have been liking so much and that is:

or maybe we should call them: Lyss pls follow them cuz they did so much work in real life and on wattpad.

also they inspired me to write this book.

oki bye me dude's ^_^💜

It is snowing from outside your dorm room window as you woke up from your comfy bed.You strecthed and made your bed nice and tidy, you got to the bathroom and turned on warm water of the bathtub.
While you were waitibg you were looking at the 1-A group chat and saw a bunch of message's that was 'un read'.
You sighed as you turned off your phone to check the water of your bathtub.It was allready full as your turned of the water and took of your clothes and got in the nice and warm bathtub since it was a really cold day today.You set up a warn towel that is by the door as you got out of the bath tub to be me by the warmth of the rug.You grabbed the towel and
put i around your body as you got out of the bathroom and changed into a sweater and some thick layer if jeans.
You brushed your H/L H/C hair and you tied it in a bun
(if your hair is short then just change the subject)
You got out of your dorm room to the dorm lobby yo see Yaomomo making some hot chocolate for everyone.
You went toward's everyone and greeted them all one by one,including Bakugou except for Mineta cause he's a perverted freak"Hey there babe"you looked behind you ti see your boyfriend Ojiro standing behind you with his monkey sweater that you gave him as gift on Valentine's day as a joke,but now i think he took it seriously"Hey there Oji!"you said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek"So what arr we gonna do today?"you asked him.
You and ojiro have been dating for about 3 month's now and the both of you have been spending so much time together.And today was actually both of your favorite season's Winter.The first time you both dated was on December 28th after Ochako's birthday.l,you two went into a cat cafe and looked at several cute adult and newborn cat's.
That day you two had an amazing date and now it is December 28th again and you bith decided to di this as a tradition of your relationship.
"Didn't you remembered what date this is?"he asked you smiling.You started to think hard on what date is today,and suddenly you realized it's December 28th,today is the day you bith go to the same cat Cafe all over again"Oh right!,now i know what today is!"you said rubbing the back of yourbhead embarrassed.
Ojiro chuckled and you both grabbed aome hot chocolate that Yaomomo made and cuddled in the sofa while talking with everyone else.

~|^ A few minute's later ^|~

It has been a few minute's since you two cuddled and chatted,until all of your classmate's got out of the ther dorm building and decided to play in the snow together"SNOW BALL FIGHT!!"
Denki shouted as everyone started to throw snowball's at eachother.In the corner of both of your eye's you saw Bakugou garbbing a pile of snow,making it into a snow ball and started pouring oil or some type of gass on it.Iida knew and started to chop his hand's all over at Bakugou's face telling him that that is dangerouse to everyone around that are having fun.
You and Ojiro got permission of Iida to go outside U.A to go on your date.

You and Ojiro started walking down the side walk to the cat cafe beacause it's not that far from U.A at all.You saw some kid's playing and running around trying to cahse the other kid,you smiled as you thought of both of your future.
Having a family with Ojiro would be amazing,you even didn't even bother if one of your kid would have ojiro's tail.
What matter's is that you both are happy,after about 30 minute's of walking you both finally made it at the cat Cafe.
You both walked in to be met by multiple cute Cat's and Kitten's"Well hello there mugi"
you said as you kneeled down to be met with a gray cat that has a yellow stripe on top of it's head.Mugi is a he
and he's a really lazy and energetic cat.Sometime's he would whine really loud to get his owner's attention.His owner is actually a VA and a famous celebrity in japan,but since his owner is too busy with his work he can't just leave Mugi alone in his house
so he has to take Mugi to this Cafe everyday so Mugi can have some more friend's.
Mugi's owner's name is Wataru Hatano:

( this is acatually a really BIG breaking the 4th wall,hate me if you want okay?

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( this is acatually a really BIG breaking the 4th wall,hate me if you want okay?.Ju- JUST HATE ME! :"( )

You both sat down and order the usual thing in the cat Cafe.
"Aren't these cat's cute?"You asked Ojiro smiling and looking at Mugi then to another cat and to a kitten.He smiled back at you and nodded as a yes,both of your food arrived and when you guys were about the bell of the cat Cafe rang"MrrRRRoWw~"
Mugi whined as he walked toward's the figure that was wearing a pink button up shirt and some black jean's,the man had gingeres brown hair,the man wore a white mask and some black shade glasses.
You two allready knew who he is,that's right it Hatano wataru,
"welcome back Mr.Wataru.Are you here to pick up your cat Mugi?"a lady said greeting him"yes i am,but maybe i should stay for a while and drink a cup of hot coffee cause it's really cold outside"Wataru responded.The lady bowed and he took Mugi into his cat cage so that Mugi can't run away from him.He sat down at a tabel right behind the both of you turning his from the both of you,he took off his mask glasses and began to look at his phone and give attention to Mugi."Hey Mr.-" "Maybe we shouldn't bother him"Ojiro whispered to you,you nodded and gave tye celebrity peace and privacy of his own.You and Wataru-kun di talked to eachother yesterday and it went well,but don't take it wrong you didn't liked him.
He's married and still,he has some fangirls but he didn't mind them at all.He told you how much stress that he has been to,he had a lot of paper works and been struggling on them.So that's why everytime you saw him without his disguised/glasses he would have eye bag's like shinso has.
You felt worried about his health but he said he was fine,so you didn't bother him anymore"So Oji,can we like stay here for a while?"You asked with kitten eye's"heh,sure"he said smiling"Well hello there you two"a tall figure said holding a cat cage"Oh,Mr.Wat-" "Please just call me Wataru or Hatano i don't mind!"he said smiling at the both of you"Oh!,sorry.But how are you doing?"you asked him returning the smile"Good,good.How about you two love bird's?😏🤗"He said smirking and smiling sweetly at the same time.

You both blushed at his words
"O-oh were great too"Ojiro said blushing"well that's great!.Got to go!,i don't want Mugi here to get all whiney at the Cafe.So i need to feed him toodles!"he said smiling and walking away to the door taking his hot coffee before leaving"He's so energetic.."Ojiro said half smiling"Yeah.Even more energetic then nejire and Hagakure."You said gigling,Ojiro smiled and kissed your cheek"I love you"
"I love you to,Oji~!"You said kissing him on the nose,and the both of you left the Cafe and walked back to U.A .


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