"Always"🤐😴[Pro hero! Shinsou X fem! Civilian reader]

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Hey hey hey! Again me dudes!. How have ya been? Good? Bad? Fine? Sad?, well if your feeling these types of moods let's settle down and read this chapter here.

And also the art above isn't mine, ot os from the right full owner that i do not know :)

But hey it jas been a long time I didn't write a Hiroshi x reader oneshot and well i was thinking maybe i should do an AU where shinsou is a freaking HaWt and SpICy hero.

-In this chapter shinsou is older
Then the reader
-The reader is 20 while Shinsou is
23 he is two years older then you
-Pro hero Shinsou, civilian reader
-A little bit of gore


You were at work doing paper work that your boss gave you. It was a whole stack of paper, almost tall as as the building that you were in. You sighed as you drank your coffee to lighten up your mood, but it didn't work. Your fingers were moving and tapping on the button's of the keyboard, both of your eyes we're covered with patches of deep dark eye bags, and your back was hurting so badly as you sat on the uncomfortable black chair of you office. Your eyes we're stuck on the computer screen as you were to focused on everything you didn't heard your phone ringing in your purse. You weny back into realization as you took out your phone to see who was calling, it was your Sister S/n, you picker it up still typong with your left hand as you awnser the call"hello?"you said through your phone"hey there sis, I was wondering if you could come to my place and maybe spend quality time together raising my kids, I need help"she said, you could hear crying in the background and screaming of joy and laughter"well I mean, like for real I have lots of paper work right now so I'm quite busy"you said to her"aww man!,your always busy!"
She said to you"well don't blame me, blame my boss for giving this much paper work"you said to her tiredly tapping on the key board "well I could hear it in your voice that right now you're must be exhausted from work huh?" "Yes I am, now can I go back on doing the papers again?" You asked her "okay then, well see you soon and take care, bye!" She said and hung up.

You sighed as you started going back to work again.

®|𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 12 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛|®

You finally finished your paper work and went back home as you grabbed your purse and walked out of the building.You walked to the train station alone in the night, the air was quite cold and you were a bit freezing since you were just wearing a thin black jacket and some black thin jeans with black high heels, you really didn't liked wearing high heels but you wanted to look formal and neat in front of you boss and friends so you forced yourself to wear those painful things that were compared to shoes.

As you were walking you felt someone following you from behind, you decided to go left and away from the strange presence to be met with an alley way, you then turn back to see a black figure. A man with a black hat and a cigarette on his mouth as he pulled
It out of his mouth and blowed the smoked air that he made. You were scared and shaking at the same time, you didn't know what to do since you were just a civilian with no quirk, you didn't have any sharp objects to defend yourself from the man that was getting closer and closer to you"S-stay back!"you said stuttering a bit"why should I beautiful?~"he said Seductively as he pinned you the wall. You might say he was quite handsome but when you looked down to his hands he was holding a knife a sharp one, he grazed the knife on your cheek a bit not hurting you at the same time"look at how beat those S/c cheeks are"he said smirking.

You didn't know what to say but just screamed and screamed hoping someone was hearing your screams, you thought that this was the end for you, your never going to live again ever in your in tire life. You closed your eyes as you accepted on what he was going to do with you, you knew you were going to die so you just gave up as you felt weak.

Meanwhile on top of a random building rooftop, Hitoshi Shinsou was just sitting there keeping an eye on the city at might since he and a might shift, he heard a scream coming from somewhere from afar. He got up as he went down the rooftop easily with his capture weapon as he ran to the location on where the screaming came from. When he got to where the location was she saw two figures it was you and the mysterious man that was pinning you to the wall with a knife, he saw a knife he thought something else before he knew the knife and felt embarrassed about it (you know what he was thinking 😗🎶😏) he walked in the alley way quietly until the stranger that was pinning you to the wall grabbed you and hold the knife at your face as you were facing with a man with two long
A$$ scars, one on his mouth to his cheek, and one on his neck that made it a little bit to his jaw line.

"Don't you dare come over here you worthless hero" The villain said holding you tighter as he dug the knife a little bit deeper to your face as a hit of blood was pouring, you winced"or what?"Hitoshi said activating his quirk"or i-"the men frozed as he dropped the knife on the floor"now let her go"Hitoshi said while he sighed under his breath, walked pass you and strap the villain with his capture weapon"well aren't you gonna call the cops or something?"Hitoshi said while looking, at your features, you were beautiful very beautiful now he knows why the man was going to kidnap you"O-oh yeah sure! I will call them!"you said blushing a bit you never met him before. He was an uncommon pro hero that you never met before. As the cops arrived they arrested the man"Thank you so much for saving me back there?"you said looking at him with a questioning look"Hitoshi, Hitoshi Shinsou"he said looking at you smiling"W-well then, thank you for saving me back there, Hitoshi-kun!"you said smiling.

"Want me to walk you home, a woman as fine as you can't just walk around alone at night, you never know if there are more men like that dude that are trying to pin you again" He said to you looking down at you"Sure I would love to!"
You said to him"here let me"he said smand wiped off the blood that was on your cheek as it leaved up a little scratch on you"thanks!"you said as you kissed him on the cheek as a thank you. He blushe as the both of you started walking away through the moon light.
He will be Always by your side no matter what.


Well another one shot has been made by the one and only Author that is writing this at 20:53 even though there will be school tomorrow I don't care at all, anyway like always have a nice day or night and thank you for reading this book I appreciate it so much! Okay bye me dudes💜

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