"Mermaid!" ⚡💛 [Kaminari X Fem Mermaid! Reader]

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Hello there! Yes I am back. For the past few month.I haven't been updating stories here on wattpad. I've been too busy writing fics on my Tumblr account that is basically a non-MHA blog.

And just to let all of you know that I'm going to close the request board sadly,I know you guys must have so many requests for me,but right now I need to finish some of my Tumblr AIB/AIB fics,cause oh my god I have a whole 5 fics to work on and plus this one 6! But hey! I'm glad that there is still someone requesting some things in this book!

So yeah umm let me see...
Ah yes!:


Warning!: none

Word count: 1360

Genre: Fluff

Tagging: Storm7710,thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!.


It is summer brake at UA high. All students are allowed to either go home to their family or just relax in their dorms and have fun, Kaminari right now is playing video games with Kirishima and Sero at the dorms living room,the other students were too busy with their friends and their selves as the three of them play Mario Kart with wide grins on their faces "Hah! I'm gonna beat your high score Sero!" Kiri shout's happily as Sero groan's "Oh yeah!?,Well I'm going to beat your high score and Kami's if I can!" Sero said as he focuses his gaze on the TV again,Kaminari is too focused on trying to catch up on both of their karts Until Mina came in and pulled the plug of the switch "What the heck was that for Mina!?" Kaminari said with sad puppy dog eyes,looking at the Pink skinned girl "Today is beach day boy's!,I decide it with Bakugou!" She said proudly while putting up two bags in the air "What the f#ck!? I did not!!" Bakugou swore at her with an angry gremlin face "Oh shush!,Now get your butts off of the floor and pack your bags!" She said as she went to the lift and got in it to go up to her room "Welp,guess we better clean this up then" Kirishima said,sighing as he gathered the cables and the other two switches that were on Kami and Sero's hand's.

After cleaning up, the three of them went to their rooms packing up some thing that they need. Kaminari somehow fitting a huge water gun inside his suitcase,incase if Bakugou ever...Explodes. (yeah I make dumb joke's-)
After packing up, he got out of his room with a hat and some black shades, sunscreen already applied on his nose "Let's go!!" He's said,Finger turning into a shape of a gun as he shoots it up the air "You sure are excited Kami bro,Anything you planned when we get there?" Kirishima asked,looking at him "Well I heard that there are some Pretty mermaid gal's spotted there! So I'm bringing my fish perfume" He said, spraying the fish perfume on him while making a disgusted face "Yeah...i don't think mermaid's like fish" Sero said,Grinning widely " I agree with the tape machine..tch! No one and NOT even a mermaid will like you" Bakugou said smirking devilishly "That was mean Bakugou!,but anyways let's all head outside" Mina said walking towards the front door.

They got permission from Kids and Aizawa so it was okay for the five of them to go alone without any guardians. The beach wasn't even that far from their school, so they could just take the bus there.

[Somewhere in the ocean]

You sighed as you layed on the rock you were on. Hands twiddling with sea grass that was right next to you, colourful fish were swimming around happily while your there, face with no emotion your right hand on your cheek. You groaned "Booring!" You were bored, that was the point right now. You didn't have many friends, you didn't even get the chance to make friends with a fish!.

You sighed as you swam up to the surface to be met by a group of people. One with yellow hair and a black lightning strip on his hair "He seem's interesting.." You said yourself as you swam up to the surface so that only your head could poke up. You saw the yellow haired human male with his other human friends, you looked at his features and he is quiet handsome you must say.

You blushed at the thought of him being a merman. The thought of his abs and yeah, you just wanted to talk to him but you knew he would freak out like a school of fish.

Kaminari right now is blowing a donut floaty so that he could float in to the ocean. After the donut floaty is fully blown and shaped, he ran to the water and placed the item on the water. He sat on the floaty relaxing as the waves now take him far away from land. Meanwhile you were there stalking him, Realizing that he was floating towards you. You didn't moved a single bit as his donut floaty hits your face.

Kaminari gasp, as he looked on what he bumped into. He looked down to see you "Hey there pretty lady, are you okay?" He asked. You snapped out of your trance as you sank down again "Hey lady!, you're going to drown!. Oh gosh oh gosh, what should I do!?" Kaminari panic's not knowing that you were a mermaid and were able to breathe under water.

Kaminari didn't think twice as he dives down trying to find you. He swam under water searching for you, right now you were behind a huge rock and Kami was at least 5 meter apart from the rock you were hiding. You remembered that humans can't breathe underwater so you came out if your rock and scratch Kaminari's legs "Ow!" Kami hissed while glaring at you a bit annoyed at the action you did "What did you- what is happening to my feet??" Kaminari looks down to see his legs attaching themselves onto each other "You're turning into a merman, that's what's happening right now" You answered him.

"Oh look!, aye! Look at my fin! It'$ yellow..holy shoot is that a thunder bolt!?" He said, looking at his hips to see a big black lightning strip "Yup it is, by the way I'm a mermaid" You said to him, he looked at you and went down to your to see your fin "Y-you are" He said slowly. You smiled at him as you grabbed his hand "let me show you around"

The both if you swam around the ocean. You took him to a tour of the ocean,him trying to catch colourful fish on the way but failing. You laughed at his cuteness and he blushed.

The both of you went up to shore a bit to see his friends searching for him "Well, I guess this is a goodbye" You said a bit sad "I guess so, when I come to shore will my mermaid tail be gone?" He asks and you nodded. He hums, as he looked at your sad face "Do you get lonely in the sea?" He asked you "Well yeah sometimes, or maybe all the time. It's just that your my first friend and, I just want you to sta-" Your sentence was gutted off by his lips on your, it felt soft as you kissed him back.

Kaminari broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against yours "I guess I'm your first kiss instead of a first friend" Kami said smiling sweetly.

You smiled right back at him as he swam up to the surface.

After that day Kami visit's you from time to time just to spend time with you alone without his friends.

The end~

[Sorry if this is not what you expected, but I tried. Again this book is now request closed, so I am very sorry for the ones that want some requests from me I hope you understand 🙏]

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