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As you settled into the steady pace Simon set and the sun rose higher in the sky, melting away the morning mist, you felt the nerves start to dissipate. The path to the east was empty but for you and your escort - not many people were traveling these days, what with the war and all. It made for an interesting sort of ride, but the perfect opportunity to get to know Simon.

You glanced over at him from where you were riding side-by-side. "So Simon."

His eyes snapped over to you. "Yes?" You could see him straight

You stifled a laugh at his eagerness. "There's no need for that, it's nothing urgent. I was just wanting to make some small talk as we rode."

"Oh." Simon visibly relaxed. "What would you like to talk about?"

You rolled over what you knew about him already in your head - he had been a captain in the navy before he had disappointed the king and gotten himself demoted to escorting you around (you remembered sitting for that court session, and the king's anger at poor Simon) but other than that, you didn't know much. "Where did you grow up?"

Simon was quick to answer. "Marram." He said. "It's this little acacia town down south - not much happens there. The most excitement they've had in the past few years was a couple of the king's adventurers stopping in for a bit."

You hummed - you briefly remembered hearing something about that town a while ago. "You're not too worried about your hometown in the war then, since it's pretty far from most of the action."

"Well." Simon said, pursing his lips. "Even if it's far from the battle, when the tribes have been targeting small villages especially, I can't help but worry some." He paused for a moment, eyes refocusing on the path in front of you. "What about you?"

"I grew up in the capitol, actually." You said, thinking back to playing in the courtyards and parks with the other children of court members, and all the royal academies you had attended to get where you were today. It had been an easy life in the way that most things had been provided for you, but as both your parents had been members of the court you hadn't seen them much during your childhood. "My parents were actually members of the original court, right after King Etienne created the kingdom."

"So you were always going to be a member yourself then." Simon said.

You shrugged. "They wouldn't have forced me, if I didn't want to, but there was nothing else that particularly grabbed my attention anyway." You said. "And by the time I was grown, I was so used to the way of the court anyway that it was only natural for me to fill my parent's seats once they left." You paused. "How did you find your way to the military?"

Simon sighed - the heavy sort that made you think that you shouldn't have asked for a moment - but then he was speaking. "It was one of my only options. I could either be a farmer, like my father and my brothers, or I could join the navy and get out of Marram. And I had always liked the sea, so..." He trailed off.

"You truly only had two paths to choose from?" You asked. "There was nothing else for you?"

Simon shook his head. "Not in Marram, no. It's small, you have to remember, and everyone knows everyone. Half the town expected me to become a farmer just because that was what my brothers had done."

You felt a pang of sympathy for the man riding next to you - it wasn't quite fair that he had been given only two options for the rest of his life, but you knew that not everyone got the chance to lead the privileged life you had.

"It wasn't that bad though." Simon said. "I might not be a captain anymore, but honestly, I might prefer being an escort. I've never been outside the kingdom."

You raised an eyebrow at that. "All that time spent at sea and you haven't been outside the kingdom?"

"Well, technically, I suppose I should have said I haven't set foot in any other kingdoms." Simon amended. "I've been outside our kingdom's borders, but only on a ship. This'll be the first time I see another kingdom truly."

"This is my first as well." You said. "Though, I'd hoped my first long journey would be on better circumstances." When you'd imagined yourself leaving the kingdom for the first time, usually the image that came to mind was a fine vacation from the court to some faraway island - not heading into a political negotiation.

"Understandable." Simon said. "I can't imagine you were too pleased to find out that you'd been chosen - though you're not really supposed to say that, are you?"

You smiled thinly. "It's my job to serve the king. If he asks me to be his embassy, I'll go."

Simon nodded, and you could tell that he actually understood what you were saying. Of course he did, he had been in the military - he had been a captain. If anyone understood what it was like to have to follow orders (even against some of your better wishes) it would be the man keeping pace next to you.

The conversation died somewhat there, as Simon cast a long glance to the sky and tightened his grip on the reigns in his hand. "We might want to pick it up a little." He said, watching the sun. "We're trying to beat the light, after all."

"All too right." You said, nudging your horse into a faster walk. The sun was out now, but it wouldn't be forever, and you would much rather be safe in old king Herobrine's castle than out on horseback still. Though, even after just one conversation, you had a new respect for the man, as more than just a precaution to make sure you actually got across the border.

He understood.

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