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Simon kept one hand protectively curled around your waist as you walked back into the palace proper. The adrenaline that had been pumping through you started to drain somewhat, only to spike again when the walls would shake from another blow outside. You tried to focus on evening your breathing pattern out, and before long you weren't panting for breath anymore. 

What a welcome home. 

Your eyes flicked over to Simon to see a cut above his eyebrow, steadily dripping blood down his face. "You're bleeding, Si."

"I know." He said. "I'll slap a bandage on it once we get to the infirmary. Being honest," He paused. "I'm more worried about you."

"I didn't do any of the fighting." You said. "I'm perfectly fine."

"You're covered in scratches." Simon said. "And that was the first time you had ever experienced a real battle - you were shaking when Eret brought you inside."

"I'm alright now, promise." You said, only to tense a second later when a boulder from the catapults struck the walls and grab onto Simon's wrist.

He just pursed his lips and hurried faster towards the infirmary, dodging staff and palace guards that were jogging through the halls. 

When you arrived, the place was already bustling, doctors and physicians scurrying from bed to bed carrying surgical tools and potions, soldiers waiting by their injured brothers anxiously, worried for their lives. Indiscriminate chatter filled the room as doctors barked out orders to anyone that would hear and patients tried to muffle their groans of pain. 

No one immediately noticed when you and Simon stepped into the room and you just hovered for a moment until Simon huffed, bringing you over to a corner of the room and sitting you down in the chair there. 

"I'll be right back." He said, before darting towards the back of the room.

You relaxed into the chair, letting the wood hold you up as the tension drained from your muscles. Your head tipped back and you just let it rest against the wall, breathing in and out. Outside, you could still hear the battle raging - though it seemed slightly calmer now, or maybe that was just because you were inside the palace. Hopefully Eret was doing alright out there...


You focused your vision back to see Simon holding out a small vial full of a glimmering pink liquid out to you. You took the potion, careful not to drop the bottle and uncorked it, tipping the liquid down your throat. It stung a bit, but you were sure the effects would have you feeling better in no time. 

Simon knelt down in front of your seat, dropping the supplies he had grabbed from the back of the room - some cleansing cloths and bandages to go with the regeneration salves. Gently, he dipped one of the clothes in water and began to wipe over the cuts on your skin before applying some of the healing salve with gentle touches. 

You were filled suddenly with a rush of affection for Simon - this man who had been demoted and assigned as your escort but had turned into so much more than just your protector. "Thank you." You said softly. 

Simon's eyes flicked up to yours, and he smiled. "Of course."

"Here." You eased the tub of healing salve out of his hand and took the bandages as well, dropping them in your lap. Taking one of the cloths, you dipped it in the water and wiped at the cut above his eyebrow, making sure all the dirt and sweat wouldn't interfere with the healing process. Dipping your fingers into the salve, you smoothed it over the skin, finishing everything off with a bandage to hold it in place. 

"Thank you, Y/N." Simon said. 

"You're more than welcome." You returned. "After everything you've done for me over this journey, it's the least I can do to reciprocate."

With your cuts dressed and cleaned, Simon slumped against the wall next to your seat, letting his body lean against the stone. Absently, one of your hands wandered down to his head, running his blonde curls through your fingers. Simon leaned into the touch, eyes fluttering shut slightly. 

You let your own eyes drift shut, listening to the muffled shouts from outside. They were definitely quieter now, and the walls weren't shaking anymore. What a welcome home this had been...

You could feel yourself just about to fall asleep when something in the air distorted around you and a quiet cough sounded from a few feet in front of you. You forced your eyes open again, and looked up to see a familiar face staring down at you, purple eyes wide. One of the twins. Your eyes darted down to their stomach to see the skin unmarred. 

"Hello Tarquin." You said. 

Tarquin smiled thinly. "Hello." He returned. "I see you made it back alright - King Etienne will be pleased. With King Eret's support we've started to push the pillagers back from the walls."

"I see." You said. So that's why things had sounded like they were calming down outside. "I assume our presence is wanted in front of the court."

Tarquin smiled thinly. "Unfortunately so." He said. His eyes flicked down to where Simon was sitting on the floor beside you, and the bandages that were now holding healing salve to the various cuts littered across you. "If it is any comfort though, I can simply teleport us all there - you won't have to put too much a strain on your injuries."

You smiled, lifting yourself out of your seat and extending a hand to help Simon up off the floor as well. "Thank you Tarquin." You said. "That would be much appreciated."

Tarquin simply nodded, extending a hand to both you and Simon. You placed your hand in his and closed your eyes, letting out a breath before you felt the atmosphere squeeze and shift around you. For a moment, it felt like you were suspended in nothingness, but then the air expanded, and you feet touched the stone floor again. 

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