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Bringing your free hand to cradle Eret's face, you tilted his head downward ever so slightly so that you could lean up to press your lips to his. His lips were soft and pliant against yours, and as soon as they touched together he let out a soft sigh, pulling the hand that he was still holding clasped between his to his chest. 

When you pulled back, that wide smile took it's place on Eret's fact again and he dropped your hand in favor of wrapping his arms around your waist, lifting you up so that you were level with him and he could kiss you breathless, peppering your face with love and affection.

The light touches of his lips tickled and you couldn't help but laugh, now cradling his face with both your hands to stop him from tickling your face with his kisses anymore. Instead, you pressed your lips together properly, sighing with satisfaction. 

You pulled away when Eret set you back down on the floor. He didn't go too far though, snatching one of your hands so that he could interlace your fingers together, smiling like an idiot from ear to ear. 

"I see it wasn't just wishful thinking then." He said, gazing down at you, eyes still full of adoration. "For a little while, I was worried that I was reading things wrong, or that you were just flirting back so that I would say yes to your proposal-"

You laughed as that, squeezing his hand lightly. "I might be politician, but I'm not that underhanded." You said. 

"I should hope not." Eret said, squeezing back. 

For a moment, you just looked at each other. You mapped out his face without the glasses on and in the soft glow of the rising moon - putting each wrinkle in the corner of his eyes and soft brown curl to memory. He really was quite handsome, but that wasn't really why you found yourself drawn to him. No, it was more than that. It was how he had replaced all the windows in his castle with stained glass and planted cherry blossom trees and wore colorful ballgowns to his own parties and leaped off balconies like it was nothing. 

Your thoughts were interrupted when Eret let out a loud yawn, eyes squinting shut with the force of it. "Sorry." He said. "Feel's like I'm going to fall asleep on my feet..."

"I'm sure you're exhausted." You said. "Was someone setting you up a room?"

"Probably." Eret said, his smile turning sheepish. "I couldn't tell you where they said it was though."

"That's alright." You said. "I've got more than enough room for the both of us in my quarters."

Eret's eyebrows rose at your statement. "You don't have to accomodate for me, Y/N, I'm sure we could find someone who knows where I was supposed to be staying-"

"Eret, it's fine really." You said. "Most everyone else is asleep by now anyway, and it's really no trouble for me."

He was still hesitant though. "Won't people talk tomorrow?"

"Maybe I don't particularly care that much." You said, starting down the hallway still hand in hand with Eret. He let you tug him after you, winding through the halls of the castle just whispering to each other until you came to the hall where all the different members of the court's quarters were. 

You pressed a finger to your lips as you rounded the corner, still pulling Eret along behind you. You made your way down the hall, passing the doors that belonged to each of the other members until you reached yours, unlocking the doors and opening it so that Eret could slip inside the room. 

You followed him inside, closing the door behind you. Your room was just as you had left it, maintained by the palace staff in your absence. Eret took the liberty of flopping down on your bed with a wide smile, rumpling the sheets until they were all wrinkled and bunched. You didn't mind too much though - they would have gotten messed up when you went to bed anyway. 

He propped himself up on his elbows to steal a glance around your room. "You have very nice quarters." He said. "It feels like you in here."

You flopped down on the bed beside him. "Thank you. I'm glad you like it." You let out a long yawn, your body automatically relaxing as soon as it hit the mattress. 

Eret hummed, lifting himself up slightly so that he could lift the duvet of your bed and let you crawl under it. You did, pulling him under the covers with you as well and blowing out the candle on your bedside table. The room was plunged into semi-darkness, the only light coming from the moon outside your windows as Eret draped an arm around your waist, pulling your back to his chest. 

His breath tickled the shell of your ear when he spoke. "You're sure this is fine?"

"Eret." You said, slightly exasperated now. "We're both exhausted, please."

He snuggled closer, his nose brushing along the nape of your neck. "Just making sure. I wouldn't want to overstep accidentally."

Your hand drifted down to where one of his rested on your stomach, and you trailed your fingers over his. "Always so considerate..."

"I try." He said. You could feel his smile against your skin. 

There was a moment of silence, and you let your eyes drift shut, savoring the soft bed underneath you and Eret pressed close - the steady rise and fall of his breathing against your back. Sleep faded in from the edges of your mind, and you sighed headily. "Goodnight, Eret."

His voice was a deep rumble against your back as he returned the gesture. "Goodnight Y/N."

You drifted off, knowing that if anything should happen, you would be safe. Eret was right there, ready and willing to carry you through battle safely again if he had to. No matter how many pillagers tried to storm the palace, he would be there, and spirit you safely away back to a field of cherry blossoms and rainbow colors. 

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