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Back inside the palace things were quiet - as they usually were around mid morning. Most of the people would just be settling into their work for the day, and the halls were mostly empty as you made your way towards the west wing of the palace - just wandering. 

At least, that's what you told yourself you were doing. In reality, you were hoping you would run into a certain colorful king, both to maybe help ease his mind about the decision and to enjoy his company for a while. Of course, you knew that most likely he would be busy - being king was more than just extravagant celebrations and long capes - but it wouldn't hurt to hope. 

You turned a corner, your wandering steps coming to a slight halt as you passed one of the paintings Maven had pointed out to you and Simon on your first night in the castle - when she had been showing you the way to your rooms. It seemed like so long since then, even though it couldn't have been more than a week. You had been so nervous during the journey, even though it had only been a day. 

You had thought the war would be like a shadow over your shoulder the entire trip - but here you were, still just enjoying the cherry blossoms. There had been much less work on your end than you had expected there to be, but you couldn't say that you hated it. After the constant weight of the war on the entire court's shoulders, it was nice to take something of a break - even though you were technically still here on business. 

You moved on from the painting, turning a corner and coming across a hall full of colorful floor to ceiling windows - each of the panels being a different color of the rainbow. Together, with the light streaming through the glass, the hallway was painted in color, the light spattering the opposite wall like a splatter painting. You were sure this was something Eret had changed when he had taken over the throne - you couldn't have imagined Herobrine having something like this in his palace. 

You stepped fully into the hallway, watching the colors from the windows move over your skin as you walked. Before you knew it, you were spinning around, just watching the light change your skin and your clothes in it's own pigmentation. It was like this that Eret found you. 

"Enjoying yourself?"

You stopped spinning to see Eret standing at the mouth of the hallway, paperwork bundled in his arms. His hair looked a little disheveled - like he had been messing with it before - and you could just see the edge of dark circles underneath his glasses. He looked tired, but he still smiled. 

"Very much." You said. "Care to join me?" 

Eret smiled thinly, looking down at the scrolls and books he was holding. "I would love to, but I'm meeting with Baron Emkasz soon."

You frowned slightly. "Perhaps another time then." 

"Perhaps." Eret said, still hovering by the mouth of the hallway. It was clear to you that he didn't really want to go to this next meeting - and you would be lying if you pretended you hadn't been hoping he would stop to talk to you, even for a moment. 

"Another war meeting?" You asked. 

Eret hummed, glancing down at all the paperwork in his hands again. "Nothing exciting, unfortunately." He sighed.

"You seem tired." You noted. 

"I am tired." Eret laughed. "All these back to back meetings with individual members of the court begin to grate after a while."

"Oh, I'm sure." You said. Just from the way he stood you could tell that he was drained. "Maybe when you catch a spare moment we could take another turn in the gardens again? Just have a moment to relax for a while."

Eret's smile turned excited at your words, and he perked up somewhat. "I would like that more than anything." He said. "I'll come find you after my last meeting, if that's alright?"

"Of course." You said, unable to stop yourself from smiling as well. Eret hovered a moment more, just smiling before you cleared your throat breaking the moment. "You said you had a meeting to get to, yes?"

"Oh," Eret looked back down at the papers in his hands. "Yes, right." He took two steps before he paused again, turning to you. "I suppose I'll see you later then Y/N." He said. "And thank you!"

You just waved as he walked off, disappearing past the mouth of the hallway - you could hear the click of his footsteps as he hurried off to his next meeting. After a moment the halls around you were silent again and you were alone. You turned back to the window in front of you - a panel comprised of sunset colors - and leaned against one of the stone pillars nearby. 

Just thinking about taking another stroll through the gardens with Eret made you smile, and you had only just made plans to. Still, that was sort of the reason you had been hoping to catch him; to grab some of his time and ease his stress as best you could. It was your duty, of course. You might not have been a member of Eret's court, but it was the least you could do in return for how comfortable he had made you feel upon your arrival. 

It would only be water to your growing feelings for the man, but it would be worth it to just see that smile again. 

You smiled at the cliche of it all - the cherry blossoms, the strolls through the garden, the dance you had shared on the night of the welcome banquet - but there was just something romantic about it. Of course, there was no guarantee that Eret was even trying to be romantic - you wouldn't have been surprised if this was just his version of friendliness, but... you could dream.

And dream you would. 

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