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The walk to your rooms wasn't that long - you did pass over a wide bridge over a garden though, which caught your attention - and Maven made pleasant small talk as you went, telling you about the paintings you passed and how the palace had changed since Eret had been on the throne. 

"That's one of my favorites." She said idly as you passed another painting. You caught a quick glance of the art - a hillside scene with sunset colors painted across the sky. There was something peaceful about it that reminded you of Maven - you hadn't known her that long, but you could see why she liked this painting in particular. 

"It's very nice." Simon chimed in as you passed by. 

Maven just smiled, leading you around another corner until you came to a stop in front of two doors, spaced apart a bit. "Here we are." She said, gesturing to the doors. "Each of you will have your own space of course, but there's a door between you as well so you won't have to come out into the hall. And the balcony connects as well."

"Thank you." You said, smiling politely. 

"Of course." Maven said, nodding. "I'll be back in the morning to collect you for the court meeting. Breakfast will be sent up before then." With that, she turned to head back down the hallway, loose robes billowing out behind her as she went. 

You turned to Simon to find him watching as her figure retreated. He didn't notice your look until Maven turned the corner, and then he cleared his throat, looking to you. "Uh, yes?"

"Would you like the right or the left?" You asked, a knowing smile on your lips. 

"It doesn't matter to me." Simon said. 

"Alright then." You said, heading towards the door nearest to you. "I suppose I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast."

"Right." Simon said. "Goodnight Y/N."

"Night Simon." You returned, opening the door to your side of the room and stepping inside. It was already lit when you entered, and it was clear someone had alerady been in here - there was a tray of sliced fruit on one of the tables by the window, and the royal address was sitting on the writing desk, still sealed. 

You wandered over to the writing desk, dragging a thumb across the edge of the scroll. The king would probably want to know that you had made it in one piece... and you were sure he would want to know what you thought of Eret and the likelihood that he would end up being a help. You pulled out the seat and sat down, opening the desk to grab a piece of paper and a fresh bottle of ink. There were a bundle of quills sitting on the desk already, so you plucked one loose, dipping it into the ink pot and hovering above the paper. 

First things first, you addressed it to King Etienne, even though one of his twins would most likely be reading it to him. Your quill hovered over the paper trying to decide where you wanted to start - the king would be most interested in your impressions of Eret, but you didn't feel it was right to just jump in without some sort of beginning to it. 

You weren't quite sure how you felt about Eret in terms of the mission yet either, if you were being honest. 

You couldn't help but like him, even though you had only just met. His smile and the way he had shook your hand was enough for that much - what you were having a hard time figuring out though, was what he intended to do about the support you were asking for. Was his cheerfulness just his personality, or did he intend to actually help? 

Either way, it was probably best to start with how the journey had went. You began to write, assuring the king that both you and Simon had made it alright, and that you hadn't run into any trouble on the way over (thank Jeb). You described the castle - and how colorful it was now since Eret had made his changes - but it wasn't long before you paused again. 

You had to say something about your impressions of the king. If only you knew how to describe the impression he had left. 

You would start off with the hospitality you'd received, and how Eret had been pleased to see that you had made it in alright. You paused again now - this was the part when you said something about how you thought negotiations were going to turn out. Pursing your lips, you turned the quill over in your hand, rolling the feather between your fingers. 

You weren't able to get a good read on Eret sure, but he had seemed positive enough. You would say that you thought this was going to go well then - telling the king what he wanted to hear never hurt anyone, after all. You scratched out something vague and finished off the letter, signing it from both you and Simon. You folded the paper and set it aside. After tomorrow's meeting you would ask Maven where the messenger birds were kept. 

With that, you stood from the writing desk, making your way over to the bed instead and flopping down. You melted into the mattress, letting out a loud sigh - it had been a long day. You'd traveled quite far today, and it probably didn't help that you were stressing out about running into a group of pillager scouts the whole way. 

It would be nice to get a good night's rest - this bed was comfortable, and you would need the energy for the first court session (of many, you were sure) tomorrow morning. Hopefully it wouldn't be as long as the court sessions back home. You weren't too worried about getting bored like you would back home though - after all, you would be the center of attention.

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