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From what you knew, King Herobrine had been terrifying. The history books always described his conquests - the way he would stop armies in their tracks just by looking at them with cold dead eyes. The paintings you had seen were always centered around that feature as well - but those white eyes were accentuated by a strong jaw and thick dark hair. It was almost unanimous public opinion that he had been a commanding presence in the worst way possible - and it all came from the eyes, known to make grown men quake in fear. You desperatley hoped that his son didn't share that particular family feature.

You had been expecting something similar of his son. 

You were wrong. 

Eret perked up as soon as you and Simon walked into the room, a wide and welcoming smile coming onto his face. He was softer looking than his father had been, but you could still see some of the similar traits. He had a head of thick dark curls, and the same sharp jaw that his father had had. He wasn't as bulky though - he was tall and thin - and his face was a lot more open. What separated him most from his father's likeness though was the colorful cape, and the large mirrored glasses he wore - swirling with colors reflected from the room. 

He stood from his seat when Maven let the doors swing shut behind her, that wide smile still on his face. "You must be the embassy."

"And you must be King Eret." You said, stooping into a bow. 

"Oh, there's no need for that." Eret said as you rose from your bow. He stepped down from the dias where his throne sat - colorful cape trailing behind him - and came to stand in front of you, taking your hand instead. "I'm not really one for formalities." He grinned, shaking your hand. His palm was warm against yours, and you could feel some slight callouses - most likely from practicing his sword work.

He moved to Simon next, shaking his hand as well. He seemed genuinely happy that you had made it and excited to meet you, which was a little odd. Perhaps he didn't know that you were here to ask him for military support, and only thought this was a re-establishment of the alliance with the change of kings. 

But no, Etienne had sent him a letter, hadn't he?

"I'm so glad that you both made it in alright." He said, letting go of Simon's hand. "I'm sure travel isn't exactly the safest for you right now."

So he did know about the war and why you were here... yet he was still cheery? Puzzling. Usually you would have been able to get a read on someone by now - you'd been exposed to the life of the court for almost all of your years after all - but Eret was trickier than that it seemed. 

He seemed nice - nicer than a king should. You'd met plenty of nobles in your days, and had to deal with plenty of their heirs - almost all of them had been pretentious enough that the conversations you shared with them were nearly unbearable - and you had been expecting Eret to be of a similar strain. But he seemed genuinely happy that you were here - and was being all too nice as well. It made you a little suspicious.

You'd make a good first impression anyway though - that part wasn't up to question. 

"I must say, the palace is lovely." You said, glancing around the throne room again. "I haven't seen that much of the interior yet, but the courtyard was so colorful, and the cherry trees are gorgeous."

Eret beamed at that. "Thank you - my mother was very fond of cherry blossoms, so one of my first acts as king was to have them planted around. We needed more color around the place anyway, it was too grey for my liking."

"Is that why almost every window is stained?" You asked, a slight tinge of amusement in your voice. "And there were banners underneath all the windows?"

Eret let out a little chuckle. "What can I say?" He shrugged. "I'm a colorful guy."

"Oh I can see." You smiled. You certainly could - he was wearing more colors at once than you had seen anyone else wear before - but somehow it worked. Maybe it was the glasses - the mirrored lenses were a rainbow of colors and tied everything together. 

A smiled played at the corner of Eret's mouth, and he ducked his head for a moment. "I'm sure you're both tired from the journey." He said. "We've had rooms prepared for both of you - it's a conjoined suite in the west wing of the palace - close to myself and Maven in case you need anything."

"How thoughtful, thank you." You said. 

Eret smiled, nodding. "Of course." He turned to Maven slightly. "I'm sure Mave could show you your rooms, I'm sure your things have been brought up by now." 

"Of course." Maven said, smiling at Eret before turning her gaze to you and Simon. "If you'll just follow me..."

You turned, following Maven as she headed towards a sweeping staircase on the other end of the room - Simon behind you. Before you made your way up the stairs though, you glanced one last time at Eret to see him still smiling. He must have caught your glance, because he nodded, and said, "I'll see you tomorrow Y/N. Sleep well."

"You too." You returned, a little surprised at the well wishes. With that, you headed up the stairs after Maven, Simon following along in your wake. You could feel Eret's eyes on you as you made your way up the stairs and through the doorway, and a shiver ran down your spine - perhaps that was something he shared with his father then. The glasses kept his eyes hidden so you couldn't be sure, but what else would have caused a shiver to run up your spine?

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