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And so it went for a few days. You would see Eret in passing mostly, exchanging quick smiles and simple words in the moments between his kingly duties. There wasn't much for you to do for a bit - occasionally you would be called on to answer a question, but for the most part the decision was completely up to Eret and his court. You didn't mind too much - you knew it was selfish to think that Eret would be able to spend time with you every day.

There was plenty to keep you entertained in the castle as well. 

You had taken to accompanying Simon in his early morning training ground escapades - not because you were also training, but because it was nice to get outside and watch the sunrise, and Simon's company was always a pleasure. You were there now, watching as he emptied a quiver of arrows into a straw dummy and savoring the dew in the air. 

Simon loosed his last arrow, watching it fly straight into the pumpkin headed dummy with a grin. He set the bow he had been using aside, starting forward to go retrieve the arrows. He was getting better at that, you noticed - because of his navy experience, he was more accustomed to a sword than a bow and had been itching to make up the difference. 

You rested your arms on the stone fence that surrounded the training area, idly watching Simon retrieve his arrows. You didn't even notice Maven coming up behind you until she uttered a soft good morning, leaning on the stone wall beside you. 

Your eyes slid over to her and you smiled, returning her friendly gesture. "Good morning Maven. Lovely morning, isn't it?"

"Indeed." Maven agreed, waving to Simon as he turned around - having retrieved all his arrows. When he caught sight of Maven a wide smile came across his face and he bounded over, jogging until he reached the stone fence between you. 

"Good morning Maven." Simon said cheerfully, shouldering his bow and his quiver to instead rest his hands on his hips. "Lovely to see you this morning."

Maven inclined her head, a small smile playing in the corner of her mouth. "And you, Simon." She said. "Working on your archery?"

"Indeed." Simon said, brushing a stray curl out of his face. "Nearly got all the arrows in the head of the target this time - I've been getting better."

You couldn't help the small smile that made the corner of your mouth quirk up - you hoped Simon didn't think he was being subtle with his peacocking. You glanced over at Maven to see a similar bemused expression on her face.

"Impressive." She said. "Perhaps you could show me sometime-"

Simon grabbed the bow from his shoulder, pulling an arrow from his quiver and knocking it before he turned back and jogged toward the target before letting the arrow fly. It landed with a thunk in the meat of the pumpkin and Simon tossed a grin over his shoulder before reaching back into his quiver and knocking another arrow. 

"He's a bit eager, isn't he?" You laughed. 

Maven leaned forward, resting her elbows on the fence so that she could lean her head in her hand, long white hair falling from her shoulders. "Military men always are." She said, glancing over at you. "I don't mind too much though."

"I can't imagine you would." You said, teasing lightly. Maven only laughed, watching as Simon took careful aim before he let another arrow go.

You leaned back a little, eyes wandering past the training grounds and up to the sky. The sun was higher now, casting long rays of light down into the training grounds and the gardens around it. Back home, you probably would have been in court already, talking about something or other to do with the war. 

The whole reason you were here, really. 

You turned to Maven. "If you don't mind me asking," You started. "How are the court sessions going?"

Maven's eyes slid to you and she hummed before responding. "In regards to accepting your king's request or overall?"

"Overall." You said, most interested in the total goings on than just what they had to say about the request for support. 

"We're split almost in half right now." Maven said. "Eret was right when he and I talked - most of the non humans present don't want to lend support to a war against their kin, but the human members are arguing that we need to act on the alliance between our kingdoms." She paused. "It's the first time the court has really split over anything."

"And Eret?" You asked. "How is he handling things?"

Maven smiled wryly. "Sometimes I think he doesn't understand that being king is more than just trying to make everyone happy."

You smiled thinly as well - of course Eret would try and sit the fence between the sides of his court and appease everyone. His deep caring was one of your favorite qualities of him - but too much of anything was never good in the long run. 

"I keep reminding him that in the end, it's his decision." Maven said. "And that his court is truly just there for advice and support - but it weighs on him. No matter which path he chooses here, someone will be unhappy, and that's not easy when you've spent your whole life playing peacemaker."

You glanced over at Maven to see a nostalgic sort of look on her face. "You grew up together then?"

Maven hummed. "We did. My parents were some of Herobrine's advisors, and Eret and I were pretty much the only children in the castle for a while."

It was no wonder then that Maven had such a high position in the court. Her story was similar to yours, in the fact that you had both grown up in court. 

The conversation dwindled there, and her eyes drifted back to Simon, watching as he retrieved his arrows again. You tried to sink back into the morning, but your mind kept wandering to Eret. It wasn't long until you were excusing yourself, bidding Maven goodbye as you headed back into the castle.

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