Ending Notes

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Thank you all for making it this far!

Fun fact, I wrote the entirety of this book in about 5 days. 1, because I was really feeling it, but also because I wanted to get it done before I had to slow down writing because I'm going back to school. Hopefully it doesn't affect my schedule too much though - it's going to suck, but I'm going to make it work!

I'm sure you all know who's coming next after that last chapter, but I just wanted to say that Phil is going to be the last book in the Phantasm universe - and it's going to be something of a finale... so get hype!

Other than that, if you guys haven't read the rest of the Phantasm series yet, you totally should (and check out my other stuff too while you're at it). And don't forget to like and subscribe! We recently hit 10k which is really fucking amazing, so thank you all for that! If you want, I have a discord server - the link is in my bio on my page, we would love to have you if you're not already in there, it's loads of fun!

And here's just a little something I thought would be cool to add - this is the cherry tree that inspired the cherries in this book, it's in my front yard, and it bloomed when I started writing this one, so yeah.

And here's just a little something I thought would be cool to add - this is the cherry tree that inspired the cherries in this book, it's in my front yard, and it bloomed when I started writing this one, so yeah

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Love y'all!!

GLADIUS // Eret X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now