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The riding was slow going with an entire military battalion behind you (most of them were on foot as well) and it wasn't long before Eret was beckoning you and Simon forward to ride beside him instead of a few paces back. You made small talk as you lead the procession through the wood, the steady beat of the soldiers march behind you a cadence to your riding. 

And so it went, until the sun hung low in the sky and you came across a clearing in the forest. It was then that Eret ordered everyone to a stop, turning the attention towards setting up a camp for the night. You dismounted your horse, and stretched your legs, walking around the area with Simon as you watched the soldiers chat and laugh as they set up tents and got campfires going. 

When you came back around to where you had started, a spacious tent draped with different colored fabrics had been erected. 

"Must everything he do be colorful?" Simon said, stopping to look at the tent. "Should we get attacked in the night, they'll know exactly which tent the king is in."

"I find it endearing." You said. 

Simon rolled his eyes. "Of course you do-"

He was interrupted when Eret poked his head out of the tent, lifting one of the flaps. His face brightened when he caught sight of you and Simon, and he stepped outside fully, beckoning you both closer. You walked over, smiling to yourself as Simon grumbled something under his breath about you being biased. 

"How was your little walk about camp?" Eret asked. "Get all the cramps out of your legs?"

"I'm feeling much better after having walked around." You said. "And things seem to be shaping up nicely around the camp - there's a few fires going already."

"Speaking of," Eret said. "Would you both care to join me for dinner? I was about to get a fire going myself - one of the captains caught a few wild chickens when we settled in."

"Of course." You said, glancing to Simon. "Simon?"

"I would be more than happy to." Simon said. 

With that, you were following Eret around the back of his tent, out of sight from the rest of the camp. He'd already had the beginnings of a campfire set up - all that was left was lighting the fire itself. Eret knelt down to do so, and Simon busied himself with dragging a few logs out from the woods, tipping them on their sides to use as seats. Before long, the fire was burning nicely, and strips of chicken were laying on a smooth stone in the heat, cooking.

"Are you anxious to be getting back home?" Eret asked, the reflection of the fire dancing in his glasses. 

Simon flipped one of the pieces of chicken, letting the other side cook. "Sort of." He said. "It'll be nice to see my friends again and sleep in my own bed, but the war is still going on and I'm not to anxious to get back to that." He paused. "I can't say I was too happy to leave Maven behind either."

"I am deeply sorry about that." Eret said. "I wanted to bring her along, but someone had to stay behind in my place and I wouldn't exactly trust anyone else from my court with that sort of responsibility."

"It's alright." Simon said. "I'll find her again someday." His gaze flicked to you, sitting on a log next to him. "What about you, Y/N? Eager to get back to the court?"

You sighed, watching the flames dance for a moment. "Being honest... not particularly. Sitting through those sessions again isn't something I'm really looking forward to, I must say. Though I suppose it'll be nice to have my own quarters again."

Eret frowned slightly. "You seemed comfortable in the court sessions I held over your stay." He noted. "Is there something different about them in your kingdom, or..?"

"There are a lot more... expectations." You said. "You have to dress a certain way, and you only speak when you're spoken to or if you have something important to add to the conversation, and you can't really get up from your seat during the session. They're a lot longer to, and no one makes any jokes."

"Sounds dreadful." Eret said. "Next thing you'll be telling me all the windows are made of regular glass."

Simon chuckled, poking at the fire. "Isn't that the truth though." He said. "Everything's a lot different back home than it is in your kingdom. I didn't think men were allowed to wear ball gowns until I met you."

"Yes, I've heard that's not exactly common where you're from." Eret said, his gaze sliding to you. "Don't worry though, I left all my dresses home."

"A shame." You said. "You make a rather strapping figure in a gown."

Eret wiggled his eyebrows at you and you laughed, ignoring Simon as he rolled his eyes, obviously fed up with your flirting. It wasn't too long until the chicken was done and the conversation died as you began to eat. The meat was a bit lean as the bird had been wild, but the seasonings Eret had sprinkled on were rich, and with a side of greens that had come from the supply bags, the meal was complete. 

You couldn't help but savor these quiet moments with Eret and Simon - they were possibly the last you would get for a while. You were sure Eret would be swept right up into the war effort as soon as he arrived, and you would have to play catch up in court. There was no telling what Simon would get up to either - he might get absorbed back into the regular military for all your knew. 

You tipped your head back to look up at the sky - now speckled with just beginning to show stars - and listened to the gentle chatter of the camp behind you. If it was possible, you would have had this moment etched into your mind - pure and utter peace. 

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