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True to Simon's word, he delivered you across the eastern border before nightfall, and you were just arriving at the castle as the sun began to slip down in the sky. You were relieved that you weren't going to have to spend a night in a camp - you would rather not get killed in your sleep by some sort of undead thing. 

Coming up the path, you got a good look at old King Herobrine's castle - it was less imposing than the palace Etienne had built - there was something less square about it, and there were more windows. What immediately caught your eye though was the sheer amount of color about the place - between the stained glass windows, the cherry blossom trees shedding pink petals about the place and the colorful flags and banners strung up wherever there was space, you had never seen a more colorful castle. 

"Are they celebrating something?" Simon asked as you approached, casting a glance at you.

You shrugged - in all your research there had been no mention of any holidays around this time. "Not that I know of."

You slowed the horses as you reached the first gate, the guards that were posted there nodding respectfully as you approached. One of them raised a hand in greeting, a smile on his face. "Ho there!" He called. 

 You stopped completely, returning the gesture. "Greetings!"

The guards stepped away from their posts for a moment to come over to you instead, and you reached down into the saddle bag to your left, pulling out the sealed royal address the king had given you. You wouldn't actually unfurl the scroll until you were in audience with the king, but the wax seal would  be enough to prove you were actually here on business. You held it out so that the guard could see the seal. 

His eyebrows rose when his eyes locked onto the wax, and he grinned up at you. "So you lot are here on business business then?"

"Unfortunately." You said, tucking the scroll back into your bag. The guard leaned back, waving to the top of the gate tower, and after a moment the gate began to rise - opening up the way into the castle. Simon started forward again, and you eased your horse into a walk after him, walking into the castle proper. The guards gave you another friendly wave as you walked in, and then the gate lowered back into place. 

The courtyard sparkled even as the sky darkened - strategically placed lanterns gave the illusion of the cherry blossoms being lit from the inside. The gardens were mostly empty of people though, except for a tall pale woman sitting on the edge of one of the fountains. She looked up when she heard the sound of the horses feet on the grass, and smiled, getting up from her perch and starting over to you. "You must be the embassy."

You nodded, looking the woman over. She was pale as snow and smiled up at you with striking grey eyes. Long white hair spilled down her back in a complicated braid, woven in with pure white lilies. She wore white as well - the sort of sheer flowing robes that you had seen other court officials wear back home - only drawing more attention to the fact that she was albino.

"My name is Maven." She said, extending a hand up to help you down from your horse. "I'm one of King Eret's advisors - he asked me to make sure you both have a pleasant stay, while you're here."

"Pleasure to meet you." You said, smiling as well. "My name is Y/N, and this is my companion, Captain Simon." You gestured to Simon as he dismounted from his horse, and he nodded politely to Maven. 

Grey eyes gave both you and Simon the once over, and Maven nodded. "How was the journey?" She asked. "You must have been traveling fast to reach us only in a day."

"I'll admit I'm a little drained." You said. "We did have to go a little faster than normal, but travel hasn't been exactly safe these days."

"Better alive and tired than leisurely dead." Simon said. 

Maven smiled thinly. "All too true, captain." She smoothed out the folds of her robes before starting towards the palace doors, beckoning for you and Simon to follow. "Someone will be out to fetch your horses and bring your bags in, but in the meantime his Highness is eager to meet you."

You followed Maven up the steps and through a grand archway, Simon a half step behind you. Inside the palace was bright and open - glittering lights were placed at intervals down the hallway, and the walls were adorned with paintings and tapestries - all displaying the rich history of the kingdom. They seemed to be in chronological order, and as you approached the end of the hall, you saw the most recent history - the crown passing from Herobrine himself to his son, Eret.

In the tapestry next to his dad, he looked sort of small. 

Maven stopped at the end of the hallway, in front of a large pair of doors. They were nearly as tall as the ceiling, and ornately engraved with beautiful art of the cherry blossom trees that were planted all around the castle. It was obvious to you that this was the entrance to the throne room - the king would be waiting behind here. 

Maven stepped forward, pushing open the large doors before stepping to the side and gesturing into the room. "After you." She smiled.

"Ah, thank you." You said, stepping into the room, Simon behind you. You were immediately struck by the grandiose architecture of the room - it was tiered, with a main floor and then a second balcony that wrapped around the whole room. It was dappled with rainbow colors - the roof opened up to the night sky only covered by stained glass. 

What drew your attention the most though, was the king himself, lounging on his throne. 

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