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You spent the rest of your meal in the garden with Simon making idle chatter in the garden. It wasn't long after your meal that he excused himself to the training grounds - Maven had given him permission to use them whenever he liked, and he was itching to get his hands on some of the gear there - and you found yourself alone.

You thought about going back to your suite, but there was nothing that you needed to do there - and out in the gardens was so much nicer than inside the palace. So you stayed, wandering the stone paths. As it turned out, all the gardens and courtyards were actually connected, and the stone paths wound around the entire palace - even through it in some spots. There were pavilions dotted about, and at one point you passed under an aqueduct - but the cherry blossoms were a constant, raining down gently from the trees. 

It might have been hours or minutes as you wandered, just enjoying the peacefulness the garden brought you. You wouldn't have even noticed Eret on a balcony above you if your head hadn't been tilted up to admire the cherry trees. 

He was leaning against the railing of the balcony, resting his arms against the carved stone as his mirrored glasses glinted in the sunlight. He looked out towards the horizon, deep in thought. It was the most serious you had seen him since you arrived, and you couldn't help but wonder if something was wrong. 

Raising a hand in a wave to catch his attention, you called out, "Alright, Eret?"

He started, first looking behind himself before he noticed you standing below him, smiling upwards. "Oh, Y/N." Eret said, waving back at you slightly. "I didn't notice you down there - enjoying the gardens?"

"Yes, they're quite lovely." You said. "You seem upset, is everything alright?"

Eret waved a hand, dismissing the comment. "Everything's fine - I was just thinking about our court session today."

"Ah." You said. "I'm sorry for interrupting then - I'll be on my way-"

"Actually," Eret interrupted you. "Would you mind if I joined you? Walking through the gardens always clears my head, and it would be nice to have someone to think out loud with." 

"Oh, of course." You said. "Your company is always a delight."

Eret smiled, and you expected him to turn back inside to come down and join you, but instead he just planted one hand firmly on the railing before jumping, swinging up and over before dropping down. You gasped, rushing forward, only for Eret to land on his feet, glasses clattering to the ground a few feet away. 

"You jumped off the balcony." You said, reaching down to pick up his glasses.

"I did." Eret said, grinning. He looked at you, and you were struck by pure white eyes - the same as his father. You handed back his glasses, and he slid them back into place, obscuring his eyes behind a rainbow of colors again. Anything for the people around him to be comfortable.

"You could have injured yourself." You continued on. "And I'm sure there were stairs nearby-"

"It's not that tall." Eret said. "And I've done it plenty of times before." He extended an arm to you, an offer to walk together. 

You took his arm and started off, meandering down the stone path as you had been doing on your own before. "Make a habit of jumping out of balconies, eh?"

"I fancied myself a fine adventurer when I was younger." Eret said, that mischievous smile on his face again. 

"We all did." You said, smiling as well as you thought back to your youth. Playing kings and queens with the other children of court members, running around the castle halls when no one was looking. 

You and Eret walked for a few more paces before he spoke again. "An adventure might be in my future if I decide to do well on my father's alliance and lend support to Etienne." He sounded a little heavier than normal when he said it, and you pursed your lips. 

"You don't have to make the decision now, you know." You said.

"I know." Eret said. "But I'll have to make it at some point. And it's going to be the first big event for the kingdom since the crown was passed to me. I mean, I knew something like this was going to happen eventually - I'm the king, for Jeb's sake - but I just thought I would have a little more time."

"You won't be making the decision alone." You said. "You have Maven, and your court. They're there to support you."

"Maven said the same thing." Eret said. "But the court is part of the issue for me right now - if I choose to lend support... there are evokers and vindicators there. They won't take kindly to me helping in a war against their kind, a different kingdom or not." He paused. "But on the other hand, if I do nothing and send you and Simon back on your way, the men in my court who were loyal to my father will have something to say about the old alliance."

"It's a tough spot, I know." You said, absently patting Eret's arm. "And I'm sure it doesn't help that this is the first big decision you have to make. You don't have to make it right away though - the answer will come in time. Promise."

Eret smiled thinly, and you could see the wheels still turning in his head. You could still see the stress on him in the way his brow was slightly drawn together, and his focus on the path in front of him.

"I can hear you thinking. Didn't you jump down here to clear your head?" You asked, looking up at him. 

Eret hummed. "Yes, I suppose I did."

"Take a break and show me the gardens." You said, patting his arm again. 

Eret smiled - the real smile that you were coming to know - and started off again, a little more in tune with the garden now, beginning to ramble about the cherry trees. You just let him, knowing that any moment of peace would be valuable in the upcoming days. 

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