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You spent the rest of your hours with Simon, wandering around Eret's castle until you had a solid feel of the place. It was bigger than you had first realized - when you had ridden up to the castle, you hadn't been able to see much inside the walls. As it turned out, they had concealed many wonders from the outside view. There was a lovely little fishpond full of tropical fish, and an outdoor study in the cherry trees. Simon was quite impressed with the training grounds - something about how the equipment was in pristine condition. You didn't quite understand it, but you listened to him wax poetic about the quality of the weapons for a fair while.

Your wandering couldn't last all day though - there was that welcome banquet to get to.

You hadn't been quite sure how to dress (was this a public event, or would it just be Eret again?) so you asked Maven, only to receive a slight smile and a simple 'however you'd like' as a reply - which didn't help at all. It wasn't like you had too much to choose from though, as you'd only packed a few things that could be considered banquet wear.

You were still trying to decide between the the emerald or the lapis earrings when you heard Simon knock on the door between your suites. Setting down the earrings, you headed over, opening the door to reveal him there, dressed in his formal military attire. He smiled when he saw you.

"If I may, you look very nice." He noted.

You smiled. "As do you, captain." You said, turning back to the mirror. "Perhaps you'll be able to help me choose?"

You held up one of each earring, turning around so Simon could see his options. You watched his eyes dart between the gems for a few seconds, weighing each options equally - ever the military man. After a moment, he shrugged, simply saying, "Both of them compliment the colors in the outfit nicely."

"Well I can't wear both of them." You said, turning back to the mirror and holding up the earrings again.

"Says who?" Simon asked. You could see a mischievous sort of smile on his face in the reflection of the mirror.

You hummed. "I suppose you're right." You said, sliding the lapis earring onto one ear and the emerald onto the other. They were two very different styles and stones, but Simon had been right when he'd said that they both complimented the outfit you'd chosen. You smiled at yourself one last time in the mirror before you spun back around. "Shall we?"

Simon extended an arm for you to take. "We shall."

You took Simon's arm as you left your suite, the door swinging shut behind you. The banquet was being held in the throne room - apparently old king Herobrine had never seen the need for a ballroom when his throne room was already so big - and by now you knew the way through the halls. The closer you got, the more you could hear muffled music through the walls - some upbeat waltz that you didn't recognize.

Your steps slowed slightly as you approached doorway that would put you at the top of that sweeping staircase down into the throne room - the door was propped open, and you could hear the music loud and clear now. You and Simon stepped through the doorway and onto the landing at the top of the stairs, hovering for a moment as you surveyed the ballroom below you.

The dias where the throne usually sat had been turned into a pit for the orchestra, and the throne itself had been taken out of the room. Party guests were scattered around - most of them swirled in a dance on the floor, but there were a few spaced out along the balcony as well, looking down as they laughed around the edges of their champagne flutes. You spotted Maven down on the floor - a speck of pure white in the crowd of moving colors - talking to some woman you didn't know. Your eyes traveled across the floor until you spotted Eret as well.

He was wearing an elaborate ballgown - swaths of rainbow colors all around him - and no one was even batting an eye. As if sensing his gaze on you, his head turned, mirrored glasses locking onto you and a smile breaking across his face. He started towards the bottom of the stairs, and you turned, letting Simon lead you down the steps.

"He's wearing a dress." Simon muttered under his breath, sounding more confused than anything.

"To be fair, it's a very pretty dress." You muttered back.

Eret was waiting for you at the bottom of the steps, a hand outstretched for you. You let go of Simon's arm to take it, and Eret brought your knuckles to his lips, laying a kiss there. "You look absolutely stunning." He said. "Both of you do."

"Uh, thank you." Simon said. "You look..."

Eret let go of your hand to twirl around, the layers of his gown fanning out around him. "This is one of my favorites." He said gleefully. "I just love all the colors."

"It's lovely, and you look great in it." You finished Simon's sentence.

Eret grinned. "Thank you." He smoothed the layers of his dress back into place as he spoke. "I have something to ask of the both of you."

You raised an eyebrow, waiting for Eret to continue.

"It's customary that the guests share the first dance with myself and my court." He said. "I just wanted to ask, since I don't really know how things are done back in your kingdom - if you would rather not, I'm sure Maven will step in, she has for guests past-"

"Oh, there's no need." You said. "Of course I'll share the first dance, it's no trouble really."

Eret smiled. "Wonderful." He said, extending a hand again, this time waiting for you to place your palm in his. "May I have this dance, then?"

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