Who is he? (part 2)

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The day has flown by quickly and you can't get that man from the store out of your head. How was he so tall? Why was his voice like that? Why did he hide his face? So many questions yet so little answers. Since it was your day off and it was friday, you decide to go to that club Updyke told you about. 'Friday Night Funkin' I think? Ya let's go there! While you usually prefer (Genre) some rap was nice too.

You drove to the club and managed to find a close spot. Seems like this club was popular for just opening last month. You walk in and is hit with the sound of music and cheers. You hear an announcer yell into a microphone

"Welcome everyone to FNF! Tonight we have two very skilled rappers here to battle it out in a war of words! In this corner we have Cam(Boyfriend's canon name) and his lovely gal!"

You look over at the petite boy. He couldn't have been over 18 or so. Possibly 15? How was he even allowed in?

"And over in this corner, who's name we still not know but love anyway, The Great and mysterious rapper himself: The Rocker!"

Wait... that was the man from the store! You recognized his hoodie! You swim through the crowd and into the front to get a good look at them. You tug at 'The Rocker's pants and wave at him with a smile before a bouncer pushes you back. You could not see his face due to his hood covering it, but you did see a dim orange light where his eyes should be. Strange...

The two started rapping at each other. The faster and more intense things got, the more entranced you became with his voice. It was loud and static-like yet... you liked it. Somethimg about it matching the beats so well made you forget about your surroundings, as if only the two of you were there. Him singing and you listening. But by the time you realized your hypnotized state the song was over. You pleaded to youself there would be another song but it never came, instead it was the announcers voice.

"WELL WELL WELL! It seems we have a tie! How about we let the fans decide the winner eh? Cheer when i call their name! How do we feel about Cam!?"

It seems almost the entirew crowd cjeered his name. I saw the Rocker take a step back, clenching the microphone in his hand.

"How about the classic Rocker over here? Who seems to be in a state of shock?"

I was one of the few people who cheered. I could see a black fluid running down his face as he drops the mic and runs out of the back door. I get up and follow him, although his steps are like twice of mine he stops in an alley of trash and grocery bags. I see the bag of apples i bought him in one of the bags, they were all gone. Had he eaten them? I slowly walk to him and reach out a hand.

"Hey there mr. Rocker... It is ok, i liked your singing..."

He looked up at me, the wind blowing at his hood so i get a better look at him, although all i could see was his... beautiful orange eyes that seem to lure me in each time i see him.

"Why do you care? They didn't..."

He asked me. I sat down, holding onto his large hand that completely could crush mine if he tried.

"Well I just don't want you to be upset, you were great up there!"

He looks down and wipes his face, a black liquod staining his sleeve he wiped with. Were those his tears? The Rocker faced me and simply said "thank you"

"For what? I didn't do anything."

He responded with a slightly happier tone "For trying to cheer me up... I really needed it..."

You smiled at him and tilted you're head

"So what is your real name?"

He looked down and mumbled "i rather not say it..."

"Oh... Well I am (Y/N)! (Y/N) (L/N)!"

He looked back at his bags, trying to tidy them up as he complemented your name. He sets all the plastic bags on a dumpster and allows you to sit down. You talk until about 3:00 am. He noticed you yawn and told you it was probably best if you head home.

"But what about you? I can drive you to your place!"

The Rocker looked around and shrugged "But we are here..."

You look at him in shock. The Rocker who had won so many contests lived in an alley way!?! No, this was unacceptable!

"Fine then, how about you spend the night at my house? It must be better then sleeping on the ground!"

He looked at the ground and began to think

'If i go with (Y/N) then i will have a chance to regain some energy and possibly a temporary escape from the greater good. They know all the alleyways in the city. And maybe get some food?'

The large man looked up at you and nodded

"Sure, where is your car?"

You two get in your silver car and start driving down the street, the sidewalks lining the large houses where only people with money would be able to live. Thanks to your job with the force you manage to get about 100k a month thanks to your promotion. You pull into your driveway and unlock the house, allowing you both inside

The Rocker looks around in the large house in awe, a "woah" leaving his mouth.

You set up a pillow and blanket on your large couch and showed him.

"Here, you can sleep here. Food is in the fridge in case you get hungry"

He looked towards the kitchen and sits on the couch, looking at the pillow and blanket. He picks up the pillow and hugs it, instantly falling in love with it. You giggle as you climb up the stairs to your room. Before you reach the top however, you hear a slight snore. Had he really been THAT tired? You look back down and you see that he is still sitting up whilst he slept. Strange but you were too tired to question it. You went to your room, pushing the equipment you were using the other day to capture the target off the bed and cuddle up in the blankets. Why was it always so easy for you to fall asleep? It has always been both a blessing AND a curse. You shut your eyes and is instantly taken off into the land of dreams.

How do I tell him? (Whitty x TaskForce!reader)Where stories live. Discover now