Get back to Work (part 10)

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You search the alleys nearby, hoping to find your friend. He really did blend in with the dark alleys. You continue looking as tears rolled down your face. God you must have looked pathetic. You check the time on your phone to see it was 3 am. You had to get home and sleep for work tomorrow. You hop in your car and turn on the radio, looking at the streets every chance you got. You soon pull up into your driveway and head inside and go straight to your room and change into some (color) pajamas. Sliding into bed, you pull the blankets over you and see what your dreams had in store for you tonight. 

You wake up in your office, looking around at your co-workers. They split open the crowd to let your boss in... Gabriel Updyke... He was staring down at you and pulled out photos from his pocket and handed them to you. 

"Care to explain (Y/N)?" 

You look at the pictures in shock. It was you with Whitty. How did he find out? 

"S-Sir this... never happened I'm not sure what your talking about!" 

"An image says a thousand words Y/N... Julia, bring him in..." 

The blonde lady nods and calls in two guards, pulling him in... They caught him... What have you done? 

"W-Wait he isn't bad! You don't have to do this!" 

You begin to cry as you hear Whitty speak in a soft, scared voice. 

"Y/N... How could you? I... I trusted you..." 

You watch in tears as gabriel walks behind him, Gun loaded, pointing it his head 

"You did this Y/N..." 

You jolt up from your bed, heart racing. It was just a dream... More like a Nightmare actually... You hug your legs and cry into your knees before gathering the courage to check the time. 6 am. You got out of bed and head towards your closet and grab your work clothes and put them on. You gather your gear and briefcase and head out to your car and drive to the office, still thinking about that dream. You were still horrified, What if he DID know? You pull into a parking spot in the lot specifically made for the workers and grab your stuff, walking inside the tall office building and heading for the elavator. You step inside the metal lift and sink into the corner and begin crying. God why was this so painful, you shouldn't have to feel this bad but it hurt so much. He was your friend and it feels like you betrayed him. You hear the ding of the elavator stopping and quickly get up and compose yourself, wiping your tears away.

You sit at your desk and open one of your many drawers, pulling out Whitty's file. You scan through the information they had and god it was all wrong, He wasn't this dangerous just misunderstood. You set it down and place your head in your hands. You feel a hand being placed on your shoulder and a low voice calling your name.

"Y/N, are you alright? If you need to stop and find a different target I will understand."

"N-No boss I am fine. I am just... bad dream is all. I just need to focus..."

"I see. Well I am sure you will be fine, it is just a figment of your mind after all."

"Ya... thanks boss, I needed that."

"Glad I could help. Now get back to work" He quickly changes his tone from caring to work mode.

You do as he says from set down the small folder, grabbing another folder on a different creature to get your mind off of things...

(Time skip brought to you by my first job interview :'D )

You look out the window to watch the sun set over the city. It was 8 pm, time to get ready to go home. You stuff your things into your bag and stare at the folder of Whitty's information and sigh, leaving it behind as you step into the elavator. You talk with your co-workers for a while before the elavator stops and you speed walk to your car. You head down to where you dropped off Whitty and pull over into the nearest parking lot and head into the alleyways.

Where is he, god please say he is ok...

How do I tell him? (Whitty x TaskForce!reader)Where stories live. Discover now