Life is a Rollercoaster (FINAL)

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It has been 18 hours since you and Whitty have been out into the cell. However they did give you meals, not good ones but who can complain when their only option is a ham and cheese sandwich? You have fallen asleep in Whitty's jacket he lended you so you wouldn't get cold. He stared down the hall, brows furrowed as he watched Gabriel approach the cell

"Can we do this later? Y/N is asleep..."

"Actually no, this is the perfect time. Set Y/N down and come with me for a moment. Try anything and my men will not hesitate to kill you"

Whitty sighs as he gently lays you on the floor and walks out pf the open door, being pushed down the hall. It is about half a hour later when you wake up and it was already 7 pm. You could tell by the clocks on the wall outside the cell. Speaking of which you looked around to find whitty and you started to panic. You banged on the wall until a guard opened the hatch that allowed noise outside

"What is it, Y/N" The guard asked sternly

"W-Where is Whitty!?"

"He is in the back room being studied"



"I am sorry but i must follow strict orders as to not let you interrupt the procedure."


You plead to the guard as he shuts the hatch and walks away. You stare in disbelief and fall to your knees and cry into your knees. How could you let this happen!? How could Gabriel do this? This was all your fault. You then realize that all of these creatures could- ARE going through what you are. You wish you could take all of it back. Never helped Gabriel, never captured all of these innocent creatures... never lost Whitty... it takes hqlf an hour until you are let out, yet you and pushed down the hall at gun point. They take you to the back room and oh... oh my god, Whitty...


You see Whitty against a wall, asleep, with a bandages along his forehead. You run over and hug him tightly, causing him to wake up

"Ergh... Y-Y/N? Ugh god my head..."

"Oh my god... Gabriel what happened!?"

You turn to your boss, tears filling your eyes.

"I know you loved him. I may be the boss of a monster hunting task force but I am not heartless. I gave him surgery to remove his explosive gland."

You begin to cry as you cup Whitty's cheek and you kiss him. Whitty smiles weakly and kisses you back.


It has been 3 months and Whitty has slowly gotten used to normal life and not having to live on the run. You and him live together and are happy with how life has turned out. Your boss has been more understanding with these creatures and only try to help. However gaining their trust has been hard for him, he tries. Life really does have happy endings



Blood... Blood everywhere... You stare in shock at Whitty's lifeless body. You fall to your knees in tears and Gabriel whispers to you

"It was for the greater good..."


You continue visiting the alley the two of you met at, creating a memorial for Whitty. You visited daily to leave snacks and flowers and stayed there to cry.

You ended up quiting your job and went to work qt the local gas station near that alley. It is where you spent most of your time nowadays. It hurt so much seeing the love of your life die like it but at least you knew you made him happy. You tried to stay strong but it was so hard. You kept a picture of him on your nightstand and the tape recorder with his voice in the drawer, it was your most prized possession. You loved him and that would never change


How do I tell him? (Whitty x TaskForce!reader)Where stories live. Discover now