The morning comes (Part 5)

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The morning comes as the sun hits your face once again. It was sunday, your day off. Although you wanted to relax and get to know you're new friend, you had to look around town, mainly the alleys. However breakfast DID sound nice...

You head downstairs to find the rocker sitting on the floor, fiddling his gloved thumbs together. You wonder why he is always covered head to toe but maybe he is just shy, ya that is it he is shy!

"Hey Rocker! Would you like some breakfast- What!?"

You stare in shock at your empty fridge. You just went shopping on Thursday, where is everything!? Looks like all there is in the fridge are microwave and uncooked food... guess you better check the cabinets. They were empty as well, where is everything?

"S-Sorry I got hungry while you were gone..."

You stare at him in utter disbelief. How in the world was he able to eat so much? You can barely finish a 6 inch sandwich from subway! Well guess eggs are going to be your breakfast, as it was one of the only things spared of his wrath.

"Well i can check the freezer in my basement and maybe i have some bacon or sausage in there, stay here and DON'T EAT ANYTHING ELSE!"

You order him to stay away from the kitchen as you walk off and to the basement and rummage through your extra stash of food. You manage to find some (Your preferred meat) so you grab two boxes and climbs back up the stairs.

"Ok i have some (meat) to go with the eggs, it will take a little while, about 10 minutes I think"

While you were good at cooking you were never the best in the family, that went to your deceased grandmother. She knew how to make some bomb ass casserole! Anyways you pull out the pans and what little butter you had left and started cooking. The rocker watched as he fidgets with thumbs.

~~~Time skip brought to you by fresh eggs~~~

You place the plates at the dining table and call him over to eat. There was eggs and (meat) on both plates. You gave him extra since he managed to eat so much, you figured he just had a fast metabolism which was completely fine just sometimes kind of annoying since you constantly had to have food on hand. Yours wasn't fast but not slow either so you managed to keep a healthy weight for a 21 year old.

Before you were able to finish your scrambled eggs you notice his plate was already clean. How in the world!?

"Um... if your still hungry, i have more in the kitchen..."

"Heh... Thanks (Y/N)..."

How do I tell him? (Whitty x TaskForce!reader)Where stories live. Discover now