Love and Bullets (part 13)

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Light leaks into your (Eye Color) eyes xausing your eyes to flutter open. App you see is black... white? White in the corner of your eye... what the...? You lift your head up qnd blood immediately rushes to your face. You were laying on Whitty! His chest was strangely warm and comfortable. Wait, was he actually asleep? Eyes closed, still breathing, not reacting to your movements... he was asleep oh my gosh. He looked almost relaxed, not like his normal, scared expression.

You ran your hand along his chest and stopped at his X. You felt his two hearts beat simultaneously, almost as one. It felt nice. You felt your heart speed up as you watch him smile. You laid back down onto him and hug him. It was nice having someone by your side, someone who you... love. But wait, he... he caused you so much pain and turmoil and... God why can't life be simple? You begin to cry, tears falling onto his chest as you hug him tighter. You knew you had to tell him but your so scared.

Whitty slowly looks at you and tilts his head.

"Y/N? Why are you crying?"

"I... Whitty listen, I have to tell you something..."

You begin to cry more as he looks at you in confusion as he gets up.

"Tell me what?"

He asks

"I... You... We... We can't see each ither qny more."

He looks shocked and gets closer

"What? Why we are Friends! Don't friends see each other?"

"Yes but... It is complicated..."

Whitty looks away and sighs sadly

"O-Ok... I guess your scared too huh?"

"Scared of what?"

You look at the sad creature as her looks out of the window

"Of me"

"What? No! I am not afraid of you! It is just..."

"Just wha- MPH-!"

Before he can finish his sentence you grab him by his cheeks and kiss him. You knew it was wrong but you could not help but fall in love with him.

"I want to be more then friends, Whitmore... I love you"

He stares in shock as he replies

"L-Love? I-Isn't that what couples do? You want to be one with me? B-But why?"

"Because I love you and i never let to let go"

The two of you return to a kiss, both to busy to hear knocking at the door. The one who comes in is none other then... Oh God... You look in his direction, scared for your life, causing Whitty to stare in fear, Hugging you in response.

"Y/N... Care to explain?"

How do I tell him? (Whitty x TaskForce!reader)Where stories live. Discover now