This will be hard... (Part 4)

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You look through the window as you read the private articles about the target, his subject name being 'Target: Whitmore #001'. You speed read through the little information the company had about him with great interest. The more you learn about him the more interesting his story becomes.

He appears to be a timid and shy yet dangerous doomsday creature created by a cult. He is around 20 years old by now and is a whopping 8'11! How does he get clothes and how has he stayed hidden so long!? His only appearance was blurred due to him presumably running away. You could still make out the shape of his head though, it was shaped like a bomb, fuse and all, with a large white X on the back.

You couldn't help but stare and smile at the image. How could such a shy creature be so dangerous? You almost felt bad but you knew what you signed up for while getting this job 3 years ago (You are 21 at the moment). As a child your parents were killed by a creature like him and from that day you promised you were going to capture all the threats that could cause harm to save others like your parents would want.

The day turns to night and you finally get all the information you need printed out and met up with your boss. He accepted your request to hunt him down and to bring him in, but on one condition. You had to keep this a secret to everyone but him, he didn't want word getting around and being heard by Target: Whitmore #001. You were to notify him if you see any suspicious actions downtown where he is always sighted. You agreed and was glad you were able to get permission for your search. You grab your papers and neatly order them into a folder. After grabbing all of your stuff you head oit to your car and drive home. It was about 2:45 am. God you need a better sleep schedule. You decide to play some (genre) music on the radio to keep yourself awake.

You pull into your driveway and grabs your keys from your black leather bag. You unlocked the door with a click and walk in on a scared man on the couch. You were about to call the police before you remember that you let 'The Rocker' stay at your place since he had apparently lived in an alley. You walk over to him and tapped his shoulder, causing him to jump with a gasp.

"W-Who is there!? O-Oh... just you (Y/N)... you scared me..."

You laughed at his frightened response and reasdured him "Yep! Just me, don't worry!"

He looks at the ground and mumbles "Why are you doing this? Why are you being so nice? Aren't you scared?"

"Scared? Why should I be, your a nice guy!"

He seems taken aback by your comment and looks down. Although his face is covered, you can sense a smile.

"Thanks (Y/N)..."

How do I tell him? (Whitty x TaskForce!reader)Where stories live. Discover now