Lake of Tears (part 12)

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You were six and it was summer break. You always played frisbee with your mom as dad grilled some food every saturday as a "Lake day saturday". The sun was setting and your mother laid out the picnic towel as your father put the burgers onto some paper plates. It was a tradition you and your whole family loved. The lake was always so peaceful and quiet during the night, and the stars glistening off of the water was beautiful.

You all shared a tent, as you would always sleep with your parents, being scared of nightmares. Just them holding you dclose was enough to make your nightmares go away. It was june 12th 20XX when it all happened... You were playing in the water with your mom when your dad heard a crash. Him and mom went to investigate, telling you to wait at the tent. They went off into the distance about 3 hours ago. The sun was down and you were tired. You grab a flashlight and a bag of your favorite chips and follow where they went but you were not ready for what your saw...

The forest was destroyed and ash filled the air, some sparks of fire still in the grass. You spot small footsteps were spread out and lead back into the trees. There was bodies of birds, squirrels and... oh god... Mom and Dad laid lifeless, holding each other, their skin burnt and dark. You drop your flashlight and fall to your knees as you grab your mother's hand.

"M-Mommy...? A-Are you ok? Mommy please answer me... Daddy why isn't mommy talking?"

You heard rustling in the burnt bushes and went to look inside them. Hidden there was a skinny, black, tall being with a large X on it's chest and orange, dead eyes. You and the creature lock eyes for about a minute before it ran off on all 4's. What was that thing? Is that what killed your parents? You went back to their bodies and hugged their arms. You wsited for them to wake up until a park ranger came running over with a gun


You throw your hands into the air as tears filled your eyes. He lowers his gun and comes closer to take a look at you. He called an ambulance for your parents and it was then you found out they have died. You were sent to live with your aunt and that is when you swore, You would destroy creatures like them, save others so they never had to lose anybody like you did.

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