How though? (Part 6)

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You watch as the tall man wanders aimlessly around your home, laughing as he becomes confused at the simplest things like a toaster and such. It was quite funny actually. You smile as he asks multiple questions about them, he was like a child always asking questions about everything. The thing is he was like 20 and he was taller then LeBron James. You get up and grab your bag, as you had to get more food since a certain food theif ate it all.

"Hey Rocker, i am going to head to the store, do you want to come-"


He seemed almost scared to reply

"Um... Ok? Do you want anything specific?"

"U-Um... can you get some of those small, swwet things with the soft and crumbly inside and have a smooth, sweet top?" Him trying to explain such a simple thing like a cake

"You mean a cake? Ya I can buy some mixtures!"

"T-Thank you..."

His shy voice was so gentle and sweet it made your heart flutter and you couldn't help but smile. As you leave you beg him not to eat everything.

The store was busy and you headed straight for the baking isle. You pick out some cake mixtures you liked, Will he like chocolate? Oh well you grab some anyway. As you leave you be sure to check all of the alleyways on your way home to no avail of finding Whitmore. How can a 8'11 bomb man be so hard to find!? While you found a couple cats and some homeless people you got no luck so instead you head home. You look inside your house to find your guest asleep on the couch. You always wondered what he looked like since he was always covered head-to-toe in fabric. You slowly lift his hood and stop in your tracks. It was him... it was Whitmore! Your target was in your own home! The target was you're friend!

Whitmore begins to wake up and you lower his hood quickly. They slowly got up and scratched the back of his neck

"Hm? Oh hi Y/N, what is up?"

"N-Nothing much! I just got back and saw you asleep!" You lied.

"Oh ok... Well can you show me how to use the giant flat thing? I saw you watch something on it and is magically turned off"

"Ya, of course..."

You start explaining the buttons on the remote, gently placing it in his large hand, god he was so soft and kind, how could HE be the target wanted for such a dangerous reason? Whitmore laughs as you show him your favorite shows, which he did not understand at first until you explained the plot and characters.

"Hey! I like this show!"

"I'm glad you do W-Rocker... Hey, uh... What is your name? You know mine and I don't think it is fair"

You click your sound recorder on as you ask his name. He may be nice but he has to be turned in... You didn't want to do this but you had too.

"Y-Ya I guess you're right. My name is Whitmore, but I go by Whitty"

"Nice to meet you Whitty"

You end your recording and hide it in your back pocket. God you were going to regret this. Having to end your own friend's life but it was your job.

"Well Whitty, I am going upstairs, I am pretty busy. Feel free to watch the tv!"

"Alright (Y/N), see ya"

You went upstairs to your room and grabbed your phone, scrolling through your contacts. You press "Cloud Man" who was Gabriel and called him

"Mr. Updyke? Yes this is (Y/N)..."

How do I tell him? (Whitty x TaskForce!reader)Where stories live. Discover now