Oh boy... (part 8)

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You wake up on the couch, leaning on the tall man's chest. Looking up you see him looking down at you, head to the side.

"Oh, your awake?"

You quickly sit up, blushing, and clear your throat.

"Y-Ya... How did you sleep?"

He looks at you in confusion. "I didn't?"

You stare at him in shock, how was he still wide awake!? You remembered he isn't exactly human and might not need to sleep often. Your face still slightly red, you apologize for sleeping on him. He didn't seem to mind, as he just watched more movies throughout the night. You get up from off the couch and go upstairs to your room and change out if your warm, fuzzy pajamas and into actual clothes you choose a (Color) sweater and some normal light navy blue pants. You come downstairs to see Whitty's face buried in the couch cushion.

"Uh Whitty? What are you doing?"

"The couch had food last night, so I am checking again!"

"Whitty the couch doesn't MAKE food!" You laugh at his antics as he pops his head out of the cushions to look at you.

"It doesn't?"

"No, Silly!"

Whitty looked down at the couch in disappointment. You gi to the kitchen and pull out some pancake mix and ither ingredients to make pancakes or waffles, as you did have a waffle iron. You ask whitty whether he wants pancajes or waffles, him choosing pancakes. You put away the waffle iron since you were both choosing pancakes. You actually enjoyed flipping the pancakes, to you it was the most fun part of it. You place about 10 pancakes on two plates, 8 on one and 2 on the other. You call Whitty over as you set toppings on the table and to no surprise, he eats all 8 in a matter of seconds. You knew you should of made more. You look up at him and notice he was still in the same hoodie and sweatpants he was 2 days ago.

"Hey Whitty, do you have any other clothes?"

"No? Why, is that bad?"

Now you had to go clothes shopping... But he needed new clothes badly since he was starting to smell.. You lead him to a closet and toss him a large coat and baggy pants.

"Change into those, we have to get you more clothes..."

"W-Wait we are going out!?"

"Yes and you have to come since I don't know what size your in so hurry please, go to the bathroom and change"

"What is a bathroom?"

You forgot he had no knowledge of any technology or basic house appliances. You lead him to your polished white bathroom and shut the door, giving him privacy and you store your phone into your bag. You check the time to see it has been about 10 minutes since he went into the bathroom and you were starting to worry. You go over to the bathroom door and knock.

"Whitty are you ok?" No response

"Whitty I am coming in..." you shut your eyes and take a step in, you slowly open your right eye and they both shoot open to see him standing there, shirtless. He had on the pair the pants you lent him but not the coat. You couldn't help but stare as your face turns red.

"(Y/N)? How do i do this? There is a grey thing that won't close..."

Has he seriously NEVER dealt with a zipper? You manage to get out a couple of words, sheepishly.

"H-Here, Let me help..."

How do I tell him? (Whitty x TaskForce!reader)Where stories live. Discover now