Liar Liar, pants on fire (Part 7)

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Updyke's stern voice waited for your reason to interupt his delicate work.

"(Y/N), any report on the target?"

"He isn't downtown, i searched every alley to no evale, i apologize for failing..." You felt bad for having to lie to your boss but it was for the sake of your new friend.

"You did not fail, (Y/N). Target Whitmore has stumped everyone in our taskforce for 20 years I do not expect him to be found in a mere day."

"I recommend we search the slums, he will likely be there." You knew the slums was a bad place and on the opposite side of town so you recommend them to look there, however, knowing you could get in trouble made you start to regret it.

"A bad neighborhood? Plenty of Alleys and dark places. You make a good point (Y/N), i will have a search party go there right away. Thank you for the information."

"No problem, Mr. Updyke..."

You hang up and stare at the recording, playing it back.

"My name is Whitmore-" "My name is Whitmore- My name is Whitmore-"

You play that part repeatedly before sighing and shoving the recorder in your night stand. You look over to your closet where it held your work uniform. You shut the door and sit on your bed, head in hands. How were you going to do this? WHY were you doing this? You know he is supposed to be dead but you just can't let him be killed. He is so gentle and sweet and just overall doesn't deserve it. You could hear the echoes of your boss saying "Your fired" play over and over and over! You begin to cry... you grab your stuffed bear named Teddy your parents gave you before they died.

"Teddy... I'm scared..."

You started venting to the small animal in your arms. By the time your were done Teddy's face was covered in your tears. You set him down and go on downstairs, where your see Whitmore hugging a pillow as he watched a movie. You loved (movie), it was a classic...

"Hey Whitty, whatcha watchin?"

"Oh, I found this movie on the tv and it is really cool! It's called "(Movie)"!"

"How about I get us some snacks so we can have a movie night?"

He tilted his head at you "Uh, what is a movie night?"

You looked at him in confusion, then remembering he has never had a permanent home. You sigh and answer him.

"A movie night is where you and a few friends grab snacks, sit on the couch and watch movie, pretty self explanatory..."

His eyes lit up, snacks AND movies!? He never knew this is what having friends is really like but now that he does... he just wants more...

"Oh! And don't forget some of that cake stuff! That is a snack right?"

"How about some ice cream and popcorn instead?"

"As long as it is food!"

You grabs the large tub of ice cream and heat up some popcorn. You set the food on the table and not even a quarter into the movie and Whitty has ate it all.

"OW! What was that!?"

He held his chest as he tried to swallow down a large bite of ice cream. You laugh at you explain what a brain freeze is. He doesn't seem to keen on something so sweet being so mean.

(For those of you who didn't know, his brain is in his chest where the X is, the space in his head is replaced with an explosive gland that well... makes him an explosive but that is enough explanation)

"How can something so sweet be so mean!?"

"No idea Whitmore, No idea-"


He seems to have gotten a bit irritated by you calling him his full name. You apologized. Was it because that is what the force called him? Was he uncomfortable? Did he not like his name? Either way you didn't want him to get mad since you know what he could do, him having leveled part a city about 14 years ago. Either way the rest of the night consisted of you both watching movies until you fell asleep.

How do I tell him? (Whitty x TaskForce!reader)Where stories live. Discover now