Wait up! (part 9)

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As you drove you could see him get more and more nervous as he looked out the passenger seat window.

"D-Do we have to go...?"

"Yes, you need new clothes you were starting to stink from being in that alley."

"Oh... sorry Y/N..."

"You are fine Whitty, Don't worry about it"

You pull up into a JCPenny's parking lot and look at the large man with a smile.

"Are you sure we have to go in? Can't i stay here?"

"No you have to come, I don't know your size, now come on you big scaredy-cat"

You knew why he was scared but he needed something fresh, as your sure it has been years since he gotten new clothes. You got him to leave the car and lead him into the store, having to make sure he had his hood up, and went straight to the mens section. You went through the sizes and had to go to the largest size just to find something that might fit him. You showed him the clothes and let him pick some out. You watched as he picked up the shirts and give you about four. Whitty looks at the pants and grab some dark sweatpants and looking at the length. You have been there for about 15 minutes and you only have 5 shirts and 3 pairs of pants. This was not going well but at least you made some progress. You go to the checkout and gosh it was expensive getting such large clothes.

You left the store and got in the car, setiing the bags in the trunk. You notice it was about 6 pm, time for dinner. You look over at whitty and laughs.

"Well, guess we should figure out dinner!"

"Can we get the food that comes in the white box with that weird red symbol?"

It takes you a moment to think about what it could be... Take-out chinese? White box? Check. Red symbol? Check!

"You mean chinese? Ya we can find something!"

You start up your car and turn on the radio to some (genre) music. As you drive down the highway you hear something strange on the radio. It was a man's voice and it was a warning of some sort?

"People of (town) It has come to the attention of the police and workers of the state that there is a threat of bombs among the streets so it is our greatest advice that you stay inside until it is handled. Thank you for your time."

You turn to Whitty and see him clenching the sleeves, shaking.

"O-Oh no... they found me... Y/N please stop somewhere!"

You hear his plee and get onto an exit and stop at a shady part of town. He pushes the door open and runs into the darkness of the alley. You park the car and run after him.


You were too late...

How do I tell him? (Whitty x TaskForce!reader)Where stories live. Discover now